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Barry Harker

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  • Scale I Build

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    Barry Harker

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  1. crikey ! you guys dont hang about do you. I better get on with my model before I get left behind ! And the Video looked great Cranky. a very BIG well done and thank you. All the best, Barry.
  2. Hi Guys, loving the work so far, and Hippie.....that model looks fantastic so far. and hi Cranky, I will be sending you Emails over the next week of all the Hi res stuff and descriptions. All the best, Barry.
  3. Thanks for your Comments guys, and its good to see you on here Danny ! And Hello Jamie, Here is some of the Styrene that I use called "Plastistuct" I have also used Evergreen, and both are made in the US. I get my styrene from two places, my local model shop and online from a company here in England called E.M.A they are based out of Sheperton "they supply the effects film industry" Ihave used them since I was at collage and at work, and they do supply world wide, However if you just go online. theres plenty of places to order this stuff from, although I will say its not cheap ! I use Plastic weld to "melt" the parts together and I use a fine Dropper to apply the weld as I have greater control than you do with a brush....and its less messy and wasteful ! Hope that Helps you out a bit Custom Creator, All the best, Barry.
  4. Heres a bunch of images I spent hours messing around with in photoshop for you Cranky, I am now also working on some more and I have increased the lenth of my card painted road to get longer photo shots. I just need some nice sunny weather now to take lots of new photos ! All the best, Barry.
  5. Hello Dr Cranky. Thanks for your comments ! And no, I didnt get your message, However. Please feel free to message me at my Email address barry.harker@hotmail.co.uk all the best, Barry.
  6. Oh and Rodney, That process you have used on your model looks Bloody Fantastic, and looks the perfect scale ! well done. soldering irons are great for beating up the panels with as well ! all the best, Barry.
  7. This is a great Forum Cranky ! and thanks for your comments. and thanks to you guys as well ! there are some great models being built and i'm really looking froward to the coming months to see what you all come up with. this is what I am intending to build for the Comp, I sketched it up last year but never got round to building it, Now I have the perfect Excuse ! this was the first rough sketch of the HEMI, and here is how I intend to modifie the engine block, This is the final design of what I intend to build. and apart from the engine block and tyres. the entire model will be scratch built from sheet and sections of Styrene...and lots plastic weld ! I will make a scale card body former to get the shape and size right and then start with the chassis. I'm looking forward to getting on with this model now and will start getting the parts together this weekend. take care all, cant wait to see what you all come up with ! All the best Barry.
  8. 67 mustang here is the mustang in action. I have many more photos of these models including pics of the building process. take all and im looking forward to seeing lots Apocalypse motors over the coming months. All the best, Barry.
  9. this 49 mecury kit spent 10 years sat on the shelf in bits for years. I lost most of the bits, and decided to Apocalize it, it has a frame over the engine bay because I lost the bonnet !
  10. Hey, Thanks Chuck ! and thanks for putting up that link, I bet theres a few guys on here from the madmax.com Forums. Hello all ! well, heres another one, this is completly scratch built apart from the engine and toy wheels............
  11. This is one of my favourite models. its called the Supermarine 300, Because it has the bodywork from a supermarine spitfire and the engine from a 1955 Mercedes 300.
  12. 39 chevy 1970 dodge challenger this one is a 41 WILLYS Coupe turned into a truck with a fully scratch built chassis and back box
  13. Hello Guys, first of all.......WOW ! It is great to see so many people building post apocalyptic models. and so many excellent models at that ! and i'm sure I recognise one or two models from the scale auto forums. A couple of freinds off other Forums have sugguested I say hello to you guys as you may be interested in the models that I mostly build. I have been building 1/24-1/25 scale Post Apocalyptic model cars now for the past 4 years. I built them for a photoshoot and story I am doing called "Dangerous Highways". I have 13 models finished 5 in various build stages and some more designs to finalise. here are some of my models for you guys. this one is a 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner 1969 Ford Torino Talladega scrap and bits box Buggy
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