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Bad Apple

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  • Full Name
    Kevin Sherman

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MCM Friend (4/6)

  1. Hey John when are you gonna bring your car down to Carlisle? I haven't been building anything models for a while been elbow deep in a new engine build for my Duster, but i did pick up the re-issue Petty dirt track Dart at Fall Carlisle yesterday
  2. Glad your ok John and i hope this isn't the start of heart problems for you! Back when i was at my heaviest point my Dr. thought i has Cardiomyopithy(not sure if i spelled that right) but after losing all my weight over the last 4 1/2 years everything has been good. I think i managed to turn things around just in time before i developed any major irreversible issues!
  3. Turn it loose John! I turned the Duster loose about a week ago, it was still kinda cold out but i had to drive it!
  4. That's a good score! I have a set of J heads on my Duster, they flow pretty good! I recently found a 340 left at a local machine shop over 2 years ago and the guy never came back, i might be able to get it for almost nothing very soon!
  5. 70 Dart Swinger Mid-Late 60's Dodge truck (Short bed preferably) Stock 40/41 Willys coupe
  6. Looks great! I just ordered this kit this morning.
  7. Your not kidding John, it's probably one of the hardest things i have ever done, but it was all worth it! When i met you a couple years ago, i was close to my heaviest point i'm almost half the size now from what i was then.
  8. Congratulations Terry! I know how hard it is to lose weight, 5 years ago my weight and blood pressure were out of control i had ballooned up to 385 and my blood pressure was through the roof and to top it off my heart wasn't beating right! My Dr. told me flat out that if i didn't do something about the weight i was gonna die! That scared me enough to finally do something and i started on my wright loss journey, i went from a size 50 pants down to a loose 40 and today my weight is 229 and i still wanna lose another 10 to 20 pounds. I credit my Dr. for saving my life and not pulling any punches just laying it right out there, but most of the credit goes to my girlfriend for supporting me through it all without her i don't know if i could have done it! Even still today it's a daily battle not to go back to my old ways of eating fast food, soda and all that other stuff that packs the weight on!
  9. Found this in my mail box today, another one of my grails i can mark off the list! Still need the Loner to complete my 1/16 FED collection. Wish Revell or Round2 would start reproducing these kits!
  10. Just finished this one, everything came out pretty good but i'm not happy with the decals they were a bit brittle from age and couldn't get them to lay exactly right.
  11. What clear works best on the bare plastic? I never cared much for the blue and orange/red paint scheme, i'm thinking of leaving my the solid blue whenever i get to it.
  12. Not sure if it's Round2 but i was just on Hobbylinc. and they are advertising as "Coming soon" the MALCO Mustang and a 71 Dodge Demon by AMT!
  13. Here's mine even the same color mine was supposed to be, only difference mine didn't have a vinyl top.
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