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    Jack Pearson

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  1. Great time to come back here to see what's going on. You nailed the vision perfectly!
  2. Busy week! Trying to build a 40 gal reef tank and this. Another shot as I settle on colors and get started with the carbon fiber areas.
  3. Thanks, it's so forgiving and fast to work in brass. Found a transfer box and quickly painted it. It's buried beneath many layers so I will not drill it out and powder-coat it, etc. The shaft passes through a couple of slot car bushings on it's way to the front axle. Motor mounts were lightly glued to the motor to ensure final placement, then cut down to width. At some point I'll glue them to the frame and then break the bond on the motor. Playing with different frame colors right now. Layer two of detail for some of the tanks.
  4. Another top view: The front and rear carbon fiber covers (hiding some of that pesky suspension detail) looks like it's not coming off easily. So a couple of panels will allow techs to access the area. At some point you have to back up and commit to a design. A couple of tabs were glued in place and drilled to allow exact chassis placement. now everything can be cut to it's final length. Still not sure about the exhaust fan color. But at least it's dry, ready for it's final coat of whatever color, then detailing so it's not so one-piece looking. The front frame section has a set of steps added. It was difficult because everything is tapering in both width, height and length. The holes have been added and then the whole thing painted.
  5. Thank you..I have not seen this. I do have a few books and one vid. There was a Time-Life series that showcased the speed record. Watching the first Bluebird running down the Daytona beach is amazing. Thousands of dress-upped people along the track. I'll go looking for this vid.
  6. Well I went a completely different path. Trying to do too much. I ditched the vertical fin. It will be part of the body. I tried again and again to make a rear a-arm like frame to hold the tubes. Then instead, I made the brackets and a cross bar style frame and it just looked cleaner and now I will refine it.
  7. YES !!! Always a treat doing business with you Jim. These wheels will be the first thing people will see. You've captured the look perfectly!! EYE-CANDY for all
  8. Thanks Fred, Bill and Joe. Joe I spent an hour or so going over your promod thread. Your transmission came out really well. I am wondering if some of the Shapeways stuff will leach out chemicals over time and affect the paint,decals or anything else. Not saying it will..just wondering? I soaked some turbos many months ago..about when you got yours and when I opened the storage box last week, they had that shapeway's smell.
  9. I waste alot of time putting stuff together after every step. But that keeps me inspired. Every decal is studied for placement in my head. Their size will dictate where one color stops and another stripes begins. I'm also spending time doing more pre-finishing and primer painting so it has time to dry and shrink. All of this is in my living room. I'm single! Starting to look like a beast of a car. I think the diesel world record is about 400mph. I'm really liking this so far! It capures the old school heavy design with today's technology.
  10. I need big chutes on this car. I figured the scale and design would be much like a jet dragster. Plus the exhaust on the Bluebird CN7 were from a turbine. Instead of filling in these ducts at the rear, I will make them the chute areas. The rear carbon fiber cover just happen to be a bit larger than the stock truck cooling fan. I made things way easier by installing the rad inside the bodywork and placing the fan on top. This is for cooling between runs more than during. That's why I have a large water tank. I want the rear verticle fin to be mounted here as well. Again I have stared at this area for days! I cut two long pieces of brass tubing for the chutes. They were laid inside the upper body for fit, then temp solder together to hold their postition. Then they were temp mounted ..and adjusted to line up with the bodywork in place. Now that the angle is set, I can design the areas around them. I think holes in the side panels up front will help carry the frame's theme of twin rails with fill in panels. Where I used to work, we would take Kevlar honeycomb panels and epoxie them in between the rails. Then the whole thing was painted. I narrowed/shortened the 1/20th F1 tub until it snuggeled down between front cage. One side will carry a Oxygen bottle, the other side will have the steering rod in the spaces between the tub and frame.
  11. Everything is still stuck together with tape and micro dots of glue in order to set lengths and other spacing. Plus sometimes you just get lucky. I can't believe the exhaust just happen to lay along side the intercooler. I took this shot thinking I might be able to print this shot on decal paper instead of using the engine decal from the Mercedes CLK kit. But.. that's along ways away right now.
  12. All it took was another F1 model and I went back to my other sites that also inspire me. (I also like figures and ships) A couple weeks ago I came back and started going through the various threads again. Your funny car continues to impress and sets the bar for others to learn. Plus so many other projects like the various Promods continue to show major progress. I almost fear mentioning everyone by name ..worried that I'd leave someone out. Overall there are so many builders here actually building, I felt this would be the better site where more would enjoy the subject. Even if it's not really a 1/4 mile car. Thanks to all for the comments, and I'm loving the various projects here.
  13. On the other side, there is a large water tank for the engine. I made it from brass and soldered a step along it's length to allow access to the top of the engine. The radiator will be in the back. Not sure what else will go where. I'm trying not to cover the holes on the frame so they stand out more. The side brass parts are folded up strips used for landing planes in the sand.
  14. Starting to commit to a design. Fuel tank will be front blue body color. I found the brass part looking through railroad parts maybe 15 years ago? It's time I use it. It will be a fuel pump/filter. I made an intercooler from a Porsche 935 part, mixed with brass and plastic. The original oil pan was turned upside down to make a very large wide-opening "igloo-like" cooler for ice/water fills between runs. It will have a pump and hoses going to the intercooler. The turbos are from a 1/12th renault engine.
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