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Scratch-built 1941 Ford COE wrecker - finished

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Hey, all. Here is a scratch built 41 Ford COE wrecker I've been working on. It's a Flintstone resin cab on wooden frame rails. Bed parts are from an old AMT 1967 Chevy pickup kit, and wheels from a Moebius truck wheel pack. Curbside model - no engine or chassis. Lots of parts box stuff. The boom is Evergreen channels and sheet styrene. HO scale slot car gear in the winch, and tiny jewelry chain holding up the boom. Bed rail is music wire. Wooden push bumper used with slices of tires to protect chrome bumpers back in the day. Paint is Krylon ivy green, splattered with random squirts of red oxide primer sprayed from two feet away. When that dried, I shot spots of Dullcote, and dropped real powdered rust from Brillo pads on it while it was wet. Yes, I save our rusty Brillo pads for this purpose! The idea was to be a truck that was found in a field, neglected for years, but someone was still able to make it run. I had a lot of fun building this one! Comments welcome!


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Thanks for the compliments, guys! Everyone seems to like the push bumper. It was actually an afterthought. I saw a photo online of an old wrecker with a wooden bumper and slices of tires on it, and thought it would give the truck some character. I added some black wash on the wood to make it look more weathered. Here's another pic of it.



Edited by Sixties Sam
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