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AMT Ford C600 stake

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Hello all


Good news for big rig/heavy truck builders! Today I went to my local hobby shop and picked up AMT's Ford C600 stake (yes the one with the yellow truck on the front) and to my surprise I found inside the box on the parts tree were the short frame rails for the tractor version along with the regular stake body frame rails. I know it was mentioned in the past these short frame rails were missing  it seems round 2 is including them again. Makes sense since they would be cast every time the other parts on the tree were cast and they must of been going back and removing them from each kit before.. 


Juat at thought I would let everyone know. And yes this is a very recent casting of the kit as it wasn't in the shop a few weeks ago so if you see a new issue of one of these kits on store shelves I bet it has the short frame rails and the longer ones, unfortunately there's no way to tell from the outside of the box so I would avoid buying one online in hopes to get both sets of frame rails. 



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