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AMT '32 Ford roadster - 1959 box art build

mr moto

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AMT first issued its '32 Ford roadster kit in 1959 as the very entry in the Trophy Series. I not sure I've ever seen anything that says "1950's hot rod" as much as the "Street Rod" box art car from that original 1959 kit. Just had to build it! Those of you that really know your Trophy Series history will be able to see that my build is not based on the 1959 kit. I used a 1960 version of the kit and it was surprising how much had been changed just one year after it came out. Still, it wasn't very difficult to make a few changes and get the 1959 look. I thought the hardest part would be coming up with a set of 1959 decals that were good enough to use but Ebay answered the call and a couple of coats of Duplicolor clear held them together very nicely. I also used the radiator and front axle from the '32 Vicky kit to get the right stance and look of the box art. Paint is Duplicolor Bahama Blue with a MM Ultra Gloss clear coat. Here is the box art followed by the build. Hope you enjoy!










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On 6/4/2017 at 12:49 PM, Dennis Lacy said:

A vintage box art model doesn't get much better than this. Very nice!

I agree! I've started a box art build of this illustration, except I'm using a Revell 1/25th Deuce Roadster to do it.. While researching it I came upon your fine rendition of the original AMT version. I am using it as a reference to help me understand the differences I'll have to deal with.

Edited by Bernard Kron
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