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pocher model k91


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thank you ,

the yellow wires are from the Pocher website of Marvin   https://www.modelmotorcars.com/  

There is a shop section with all upgrade parts available depending on your model you are building .

 the black ( head)  part connecting are the original  one from the kit ( you cut and  remove the original black wire , drill a small hole in the head and connect the yellow one  inside .)

then for the red and black one , taken  from an old digital camera that I open apart  , and took small screws that I added to the engine part for  more realism , the red & black wire were thin enough and adding some different colors, for more detailing final impression. ( improvisation is Pocher philosophy.) !!!!! 

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I am currently preparing the fitting of the doors before the paint , got one question without answer about the overall layer of paint and the gape I  need to leave to be able to open and close the doors... tried to see online the average thickness of a paint Tamiya TS rattle can , not sure at all , considering that there will be 2 coats primer , 2 coats undercoat , 2   final coats , and possibly 2 coats clear,,  total will be 8 coats in total , I won 't be sanding on the  under edge of the door , ....what will be the final extra thickness ?  0.6....... 0.4 ......... 0.3 mm  ... that the question ? if anyone have an idea ... !!!!!!

Edited by littlfron
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I remove the seat from the main body frame section  to be able to work it more easily , and start to create future line where the leather will be attached, the already existing line have been accentuate for the leather connection to be better . on the last picture I found a knife case with this back kind of sponge material quite flexible and easy to cut , that will be to create volume on the leather .hope the result will be nice as I just have one piece of leather to work on ... no second chance available 




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must be one of the most difficult part , working the leather , giving a shape ,  hiding the connection , to get an acceptable result . this leather was so thick , but quality ... it was a one shot attempt as I had no spare fabric . As I cut the seat part to be able to work it in good condition , I created a bottom support , no idea yet how I will re fix the seat on this ... improvisation still on .... next step the leather on inside door panel .. 







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leather on the inside panel is done , some details remain to be worked on ,  I also upgrade the the gauge with a glass cover ( a clear plastic bottle cut and insert inside the gauge ... result is ok  exception on the first left one ... might re do them later , I let it sit like this for the moment ..

and I start the body frame work , the handle that open the back seat compartment will be in a central position as I damage the part 2 , so only one left  , re adjustment .... I worked on the central line were the handle will be positioned , will put 4 nice bolt at the initial fixing nuts in each corner and an extra bolt wit a pin will be on the left side . 

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preparing  all the body , before painting , the trim aluminium have been reduce , they don't go until the rear bumper anymore , all line of the back seat cover have been improved and will be filled with a black kind of foam to give a more realistic impression , a reduce the size of the rear light as only one spare tires will be put on , it was going a bit out of proportion so I cut , drill a hole for a screw and fix the headlight on it , with a  small black rubber rim between the 2 part ( and it look not so bad ) . on the fender , the impression next to the rear wheel was not looking nice . the line was not in harmony and loosing the curvy surrounding the wheels ( that cover the wheels) hard to explain ahahah , so I fill the gap with putty  , as you can see , also fill the hole as I remove the supposed little light on the front fender , the original from the kit not giving visual satisfaction . sometimes nothing is better , and there is enough light ( 3 in front ) and 2 next to the doors ..   








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used some clothes hanger to create a kind of metallic frame to give some volume behind the seat .. still working on it ... and on the other side , started to work on the display case ... stain the kind of composite wood I had to give an impression of legitimate wood ... color is dark walnut with a gloss polycrylic water base for the finish , that doesn t become yellow over the year . I order a mirror that will be under to show the  details .







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replace the original exhaust pipe from the Pocher kit who are not very nice by metallic straw founded in DAYSO .. Cheap , the exact same size and looking way better .  

finish my spoon  testing paint .. this blue will be the one, a pearl blue .. and the rims are done with the Mercedes logo  .. this project is getting closer to the end . next step is the real deal with the paint of all the part ... 









Edited by littlfron
writing mistake
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