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Kenworth Aerodyne w Fruehauf tanker

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Kenworth Tanker / Monogram / AMT
Hello friends ! Today I'd like to introduce you to my recently completed Kenworth tanker truck. The tractor is the Kenworth Aerodyne Snap Kit in 1:25. Matching the AMT tank semi-trailer to the same scale. In the Kenworth I have also made a sun visor, and an insect deflector on the hood. Mudflaps from an old bicycle tube were cut from the front and attached to the fenders.
On the trailer there is a lot more modifications done. The tank was covered with chrome adhesive foil from the sauna area. There were still long front fenders mounted, as it is regulation in the US. I have seen these additional fenders on every tanker during my travels to the USA. They are designed to protect against whirling stones from the tractor. A second ladder has been added to the front right side. There are then the red-white reflector strips have been attached. The filling fittings at the pump were provided with a protective box and a tool box to be opened. The tanker has gotten the logo of Union 76 on the ladder at the back. In addition, I have some homemade decals attached. The semi-trailer I built more than 3 years ago, had not yet  the right tractor. Have fun watching . Greetings from Jan
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