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'74 Dodge Tradesman Custom Van--A Mural-Painted Tribute For My Son

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I found a guy on Facebook that was doing these insanely awesome airbrushed murals on model cars. Knowing that I would never be able to achieve these results no matter how good of a painter I thought I might be, but wanting one of these creations in my collection, I reached out to him and he agreed to do one for me. I did all of the body work and had the body in primer when I shipped it off to him in Germany. I gave him full artistic freedom to paint it however he pleased. Opening the box upon it's return, I had no idea what my van would have painted on it. Unbeknownst to me, he had been watching my son's 2018/2019 football season via my Facebook posts. The Seaside Seagulls had an amazing year and made it to the State Championships! Needless to say, I was blown away! So what was to be a mural-painted build for me became a tribute build for my son. After I received the painted body, I did everything else you see here. My son absolutely LOVED it and that is him on the side #5!






Edited by Greg Pugh
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