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1960 Rex White car, truck, and trailer


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16 hours ago, Gary Davis said:

Dannnng Mark....What a great looking Race team Replica build!!! I haven't seen you in the other places in awhile. Wondered how things are going. But seeing this OUTSTANDING work (as you always do)...my simple question has been answered. Question??? what did you use for the tarp tie downs. They look like bungy(sp?) cords for sure....

Thanks, Gary. I must say your Camper / midget car race team build gave me a lot of inspiration for this build. It was awesome. The bungis are made from .030 rod and .025 rod with a small rod at the end at 90 degrees to act as a mounting point for holes driiled in the side of the stake bed. They were painted flat black.  I blew up the picture, and tried to duplicate them the best I could. Thanks again for weighing in on the build, and the question too.

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29 minutes ago, Fairfax said:

Hohohohoo! Oh, that's awesome! When I was building 60 'Impala by Revell, I considered building it like NASCAR, but I ended up sticking to the construction plan.  ?Very beautiful! You did so well, both cars.

Thank you, Michal. I appreciate the reply.

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