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48' Loadking 3 axle drop nose lowboy trailer

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On 1/12/2021 at 6:02 PM, ShakyCraftsman said:

Hey misterNNL

 I just measured it and works out to be approximately 5.00 feet long!!! 

Tractor is 17.0" total length, 13.875" frt. Bumper to king pin.

Jeep is aroind 13.0" total length, 6.50" king pin if jeep to king pin on flip section of trailer.

Trailer is 29.0" total length, 28.25" king pin to rear of trailer.

Stinger (booster) is 11.00" total length.

So 13.875" + 6.50" + 28.25" + 11.00" = 59.625" almost 5 feet???

Ron G 

Are you going to add on to the House, to display the model? A well designed project,  thanks for the great detail pictures.  

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Hey bigred

 Nope, I'm going to make a 6 to 8 foot long shelf that will simulate a two lane road to display it on.

  Hey all

  I've been working on the gooseneck of the trailer. I have the hydraulic power pack done and painted.

20210116_120346.jpgthis view shows the complete hydraulic power pack. It's kind of hard to see the hydraulic lines because they are black and so is the power pack. The line on the right is the feed line that goes to the front of the flip section to a fitting where the tractor hydraulic system would hook up. The hydraulic pump and the motor are on the left.

20210116_120326.jpgthis view shows the Honda 13hp engine and hydraulic pump, also the exhaust pipe that I added. The silver colored lines/fittings are the feed and return lines to the main hydraulic cylinders.

20210116_120306.jpgthis view shows the hydraulic tank and lines/fittings.

20210116_120246.jpgthis view shows the fitting for the feed line from the tractor.  

20210116_114154.jpgthis view shows the hydraulic power pack sitting in place on the gooseneck.

20210116_114134.jpgthis view shows the feed line from the fitting in front of the flip section to the hydraulic tank 

20210116_114109.jpgthis view shows the exhaust pipe clearing the frame.

  I also created from plastic and aluminum tubing the gooseneck support system and hydraulic cylinder.

20210116_165228.jpgthis view shows everything added to the gooseneck.

20210116_165206.jpgthis view shows the gooseneck support system in the up/retracted position.

20210116_165133.jpgthis view shows the gooseneck support system in the down/extended position.

20210116_165335.jpganother view showing the gooseneck support system in the down position. Well that's it for now be back with more soon.

Ron G 

Edited by ShakyCraftsman
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Hey all 

  Ok, I shortened it to a 280" W/B. I think it looks right now.

20210118_144259.jpgthis view shows the headache rack sitting in place, also it shows the rear of the fuel tank were the new 200 gallon fuel tank will be. It will be 28" diameter x 90" long. I'm going to be making it from 1" PVC pipe, which is actually 1.125" diameter, 28" in 1/25th scale.

20210118_144239.jpgthis view is more of a side view of the tractor.

   I also started on making the XL 80 jeep. I decided to go with a two axle jeep instead of a three axle one. The loads I have for the trailer aren't quite large enough to justify a 3 x 3 x 3 so it's going to be a 2 x 3 x 2 set up.

20210118_144220.jpg this view shows the tractor, jeep and gooseneck of the trailer.20210118_144442.jpgside view of the rear of the tractor and the jeep.

20210118_144347.jpgthis shows the jeep in it's beginning stage. Well that's it for now be back with more soon.

Ron G 


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3 hours ago, Mopar - D said:

Ron your scratch building just keeps getting better with this build!  I’m looking forward to seeing some paint on this project. 

Yeah, me too, but that's quite a ways off.

  Did a little more work on the XL 80 jeep. I have the landing legs made and installed. I used parts from the AMT twin trailer (Consolidated Freight) kit to help make the legs. I added the fifth wheel plate and fifth wheel permanently. I made the fifth wheel movable for/aft, but still fixed to the jeep.

20210119_154706.jpgthis view shows the landing legs, fifth wheel and wheels/tires sitting in place.

20210119_154645.jpgside view of the XL 80 jeep.

20210119_154625.jpgthis view shows the jeep next to the 1/50th scale one from Diecast Masters.

20210119_154548.jpgthis view shows the jeep with the gooseneck sitting on it, also you can see the 1/50th XL 80 jeep and XL 120 HD lowboy trailer.

20210119_154529.jpgthis view shows my 1/25th scale version of the 1/50th scale one from Diecast Masters. Well that's it for now be back with more updates soon.

Ron G 

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1 hour ago, gotnitro? said:

Phenomenal work  ! Really shows the shear size of this compared to the 1/50 next to it 

The jeeps are just a dolly more or less sans any type of suspension  ? Assuming its for weight distribution mostly 

Hey Nitro 

 Yes, but they do have suspension, some even have lift axles, minehas air suspension. Its so you can spread the weight of the load onto all of you axles, or more on the front, or more on the rear. Same for the stinger/booster.

Ron G 

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Hey guys 

  I did some work on my Peterbilt 359 heavy haul tractor. I made a new 28" diameter x 90" long 200 gallon fuel tank.

20210122_165707.jpgthis view shows the tractor and the new fuel tank.

20210122_165820.jpgthis view shows a closer look at the fuel tank and steps. I made this from a piece of 3/4" pvc pipe, it's actually 1.07" diameter, so to make it 28" diameter I Wrapped a piece of 0.03" sheet plastic around it to make it 28" diameter. I cut up the kit tank so I could use the peices on my tank.

20210122_165104.jpgi put the whole thing together so I could see how long it is. YICKS!!! it's big! The excavator is a 1/32 scale Newray one,  and the booster/stinger is actually the dolly from my Michigan gravel train project.

20210122_170707.jpghere it is next to a 1/50th scale similar setup. Well that's it for now be back with more soon.

Ron G 


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Hey guys 

  Kind of a update, but not. I'm starting a new project. It's a load for the trailer. I'm going to be making a almost completely scratch built 1/25th scale Cat 374F L large excavator.

20210127_131948.jpgthis view shows my temporary undercarriage setup that I made in order to figure out all the geometry of the tracks.


This view shows the real Cat 374F L. So check out my new post for this big build.

Ron G 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys 

  Here's another update for you all. I received some 3D printed air suspensions from Shapways, but I guess I s#%*^ed up and got ones for a regular height trailer, not a lowboy. It would have been way to much work to rework them, so I went on line and looked around to see what I could find that might work. I went to Moluminums site and found just what I needed.

20210216_173205.jpgthis view shows the air suspension in place on the trailer. All that needs to be done now is add the shocks.

20210216_173146.jpganother view of the air suspension from the rear.

20210216_173130.jpgthis view shows all the axles...WHOOPS!!!...:angry::brickwall::brickwall::censored::omg: I put the axle on the rear on upside down...#^*•☆... BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH! Well tomorrow I'm going to have to fix it. This was not a good day, from the first part I dropped on the floor, to the second, to the third, etc., etc. to messing up the axle, so I decided to give up and go eat dinner.

HT250us_001_5-16-07.pngthis view shows the real suspension that the model parts copy, Hendrickson 30ton. Well that's it for now be back soon.

Ron G 

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Thanks Mopar

Hey guys 

  I got the rear axle situation fixed and the front air suspension arms modified to fit around the trailer frame.

20210217_162321.jpgthis view shows the rear axle with the air brakes now on the correct side.:hsmack:duh!

20210217_162406.jpgthis view shows the center axle.

20210217_162425.jpgthis view shows the front axle and the modifications I had to make to the frame and the Moluminum parts so that they fit around the trailer frame.

20210217_162209.jpgthis view shows all of them.

20210217_162013.jpgthis view shows all of them with the wheels/tires added on.

20210217_161948.jpgview of the bottom if the trailer rear.

20210217_161753.jpgview from the top of the trailer rear.

20210217_161817.jpgside view of the rear of the trailer.

20210217_161452.jpgthis view shows the trailer sitting on my Kenworth W925 and the Cat 374FL on it for perspective. I ordered some more Moluminum air suspensions for the jeep and the stinger/booster, so until I receive them in the mail there on hold. well that's it for now be back with more updates soon.

Ron G 

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