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Magnifier 1/12 Ford GT 40

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Finally getting around to starting this one . I need to order some paints before I get too deep into it but there is stuff I can do . Thanks to Gramps46 I have a ton of great photos of these cars . I know I may not get all the colors correct but will try . The instructions do have color call outs for a lot of parts but I find some suspect . I had heard there was a lot of chrome in this kit but OMG !   This is not a show car !  Way more chrome than there should be . I will need another can of easy off for chrome remover .  I bought aftermarket decals to do the yellow number 8 car . Just wanted something different . The seats suck but I am having trouble finding the resin after market ones that have been discontinued ( I believe ) . This one is going to take awhile . 


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I have the same kit and the same decal set (#8, Yellow) - What I did was spend close to double the kit price on a KA Models Super Upgrade set.  That has come with a mass of parts including the seats.  https://www.bnamodelworld.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=trumpeter gt40 - there's stock of the Super set and also just the seats set!  Happy to assist with re-shipping if needed.

Like you my goal (when I start) is to build a nice display car.  Can't wait to see progress!

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On my seats I used my Dremel and some files to add wrinkles and make them a little less stiff and plastic-y looking. I also came perilously close to ruining them with a heat gun when I used it to add some sag to the cushions. The results were pretty good. 

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Got a little done today . Tires and wheels done . Left the wheels as they come in the kit . Trying to follow the color call outs in the instructions but don’t believe they are correct . It says the exhaust is to be blazing . Was not sure what that was so after some research I found it was a shade of Orange .  That can’t be right . Photos I have and have seen show them to be a dull silver or a polished aluminum shade and even a copper color . Flip a coin ?? 



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I believe the wheels had a treatment with a product called DOW7 often used on magnesium wheels and other parts made of magnesium to prevent them from oxidation, this treatment gave the magnesium parts a goldish look.
If you polish magnesium it gets a shine much like polished aluminum and all did not use the DOW7 treatment and polished the wheels instead...but magnesium oxidize easy and fast so if you want shiny magnesium wheels you have to polish them often, and if you don't it gets a dull grey look from the oxidation.

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I think sometimes we also forget that race cars in that era were never as cohesively prepped and painted and metal treated as race cars are today.

A lot of period F1 cars had wonky signage, or one part painted neatly while it’s opposite number on the other side looked like it had gone backwards through a hedge.  Engines and engine bay detailing would have moments of that, couple that with the very American practice of painting an engine post assembly with a single colour and having the paint burn off various bits and you could very well have a patchwork of colours by the time cars are running on the Continent.

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Made a little more progress on this kit . As I said before I know I will not get all the colors right but will try to be mostly close . I thought the exhaust snake pit would be a problem but it was actually pretty simple .  They put a bit of detail in this kit like the real small springs over the exhaust tips but why no distributer ? Seems odd to me . The hoses may need more attention and rerouting , it was not clear to me on the instructions so I am sure I have at least some wrong . I will be happy if I can end up with a decent looking shelf model . 



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  • cobraman changed the title to Magnifier 1/12 Ford GT 40

Going forward a little at a time . Slow going because so much chrome needs to be stripped . Some I have chosen to just spray with dullcoat . As I have said before , all colors will not be correct . Been holing off on the body because I decided to do a yellow version and had to order white primer . 






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On 8/14/2022 at 8:52 PM, cobraman said:

Made a little more progress on this kit . As I said before I know I will not get all the colors right but will try to be mostly close . I thought the exhaust snake pit would be a problem but it was actually pretty simple .  They put a bit of detail in this kit like the real small springs over the exhaust tips but why no distributer ? Seems odd to me . The hoses may need more attention and rerouting , it was not clear to me on the instructions so I am sure I have at least some wrong . I will be happy if I can end up with a decent looking shelf model . 



I see you have followed the instructions but I don't think they have it right (I looked at both the Trumpeter and Magnifier instructions).
Why would one route a line from the oil pump at the back cover on the transaxle to the back end of the gear selector housing wich is the hump on the right side of the gearbox, there is a shaft coming out from there when shifting gears, and why would one route an oil line from the rear of the intake manifold to the gearbox, that place on the intake manifold is used for crank case ventilation on older FE engines and it's nothing under there except for the lifter gallery...naah that can't be right.
I would imagine that a couple of the lines from the Kar Kraft T-44 transaxle would go to an oil cooler, the GT40 has one on each side, and the one on the left side is for the engine so the one on the right side must be for the transaxle.
I do have some knowledge of the Ford FE engines as I just built one for my 1963½ Galaxie.

Here is how the dry sump oil system on a Mk II GT40 works.

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Thanks. I think I mentioned that I didn't think it was right but did not know enough to know what was wrong. Yes, I did just follow the instructions and I want to correct it but am hesitant that in doing that I may just make a mess.  Some things are best left alone. Worth considering in this case ?

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On 8/21/2022 at 3:57 PM, cobraman said:

Thanks. I think I mentioned that I didn't think it was right but did not know enough to know what was wrong. Yes, I did just follow the instructions and I want to correct it but am hesitant that in doing that I may just make a mess.  Some things are best left alone. Worth considering in this case ?

Yes I noticed and your hunch was right.
I just meant Trumpeter/Magnifier got it wrong...and the Meng kit is unfortunately not that much better as some of their hose and wire routing is questionable too...and Meng even brags that their kit is the most accurate GT40 kit out there...yeah right.🙄
I will follow your progress with interest as I really like the GT40's.

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