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How many of you tare down old builds ?

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Nope, never will. I keep them just as they are. They really show how far I have come as a builder.

I just remembered the sole exception to that rule. This was build very well, but the original Boyd's teal green paint was awful. So I did disassemble and repaint it years later. Nothing else was changed. In hindsight, a wheel change would have been nice.


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I have torn down a few and rebuilt them but its usually less work just to find another kit.

I did a tear down just recently with an aircraft an IMC Lear 23, the mold no longer exists, the kit had come off my display shelf years ago because of damage and it was strip and rebuilt or do without. My build skills had obviously improved since the kit was originally built 30+ years ago. Rebuilt, its now back on a display shelf and will probably never be touched again. On the other hand I have a number of kits that would benefit from a rebuild but I consider them to be "survivor kits", ie kits that remain pretty much as they were when I originally built them 30 or more years ago. They now have a great deal of sentimental value to me and I wouldn't touch them. If they became badly damaged in some way then I'd consider rebuilding.

Although many of the kits of my youth are now gone I rarely throw or give built models away. If damaged they are repaired, if badly damaged or too poorly built to continue displaying they'll go in a box in the attic since I might find a use for them in the future. I don't have huge numbers of models on display though since I'm a very slow builder and always have been.

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It's easy when you see the look on someon'e face when they recieve a replica of a car they owned, or would like to own, or just like. I enjoy it.

I did build a model for a friend many years ago. He had a 1968 Lemans convertible with GTO trim on it that he had to get rid of, so I built it for him for his birthday. He was very excited to receive it, but didn't seem to understand the significance of keeping it in the clear case in a safe place. He gave it to his kids who destroyed it in very short order.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Also, I don't part with my builds either. I still have everything I've built as an adult. I don't understand how people sell or give them away.

It's easy when you see the look on someon'e face when they recieve a replica of a car they owned, or would like to own, or just like. I enjoy it.

I have only 4 builds in my adult life. 1 I built for my brother in law, 2 to my son and 1 to my brother and it was very hard to let them go. it is just not easy....

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I did it when I was younger and didn't have the cash to buy new kits, but now I rather buy and build a new one if they are available.

I did the same thing, as I was also living in Europe (Germany) and American kits were scarce and very expensive locally.

Oh and a funny story... when we got back to the US in 1972, I went to Two Guys Department Store and almost fainted with the huge display of models. They had a big hobby department. I picked out a bunch of them, figuring right to the money I had on me. I got to the cash register, and didn't understand sales tax since I was 14 and this was my first purchase in the USA. So I was short 50 cents so I had to put a kit back. The counter guy saw how much trouble I was having picking one to leave behind, and I told him this was the first time I could buy models like this in 3 years, so he fished in his pocket and paid the tax for me! Cool.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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I have not done it yet,but planning on it now that i see how big the aftermarket support is. The cars i have built are 20years or more. Long before ebay and internet. Get so many ideas,but as maby many of us know,money dont grow on threes :P

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I have a few of my own builds I have undergoing Resto

76 Pacer X is one

Paint was bad.

I did a repaint on my 1/16 57 Chevy convert. But Nothing else.

I Do dis-assemble Most built's I get.

60 & 63 F-100's & Chevy Pickups, 61 Bonneville convert, 60 Lincoln convert.

Most are bought with that in mind

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