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Custom "Eleanor"


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Wade, the typical spark plug wiring for models is 30 gauge, you can pick up a spool of it from Radio Shack, they call it "Wrapping Wire", and they may have to order it for you, it all depends on the store. Or, you can order it from their website and get it delivered right to your door!

Edited by Custom Mike
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I applaud the effort in trying to use putty to make this kit. The finished parts of the car look really good. . May I suggest one thing. Maybe you could find some kind of plastic to mold that body kit with. I know sheet styrene packs aren't within everyone's means or budget. I don't use it myself. But if you can't get your hands on it, there are alternatives. You can use anything from old "For Sale" signs to the credit cards or prescription discount cards sent in the mail. Then maybe build some of the putty inside for strength and mold the curves on the outside with putty as well. You could also use sprue trees to rough in the side pipe covers and blend them in with putty.

Edited by Skydime
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  • 7 months later...

One suggestion, you needed to round off the edges of the front bumper where it wraps from the front around the side. Also taper the front edges of the bumper at an angle parallel with headlight buckets. It has kind of a snow plow look to it, other than that, nice sculpting all of the body kit.


Edited by Devilsnake98
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