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Dom's 70' Charger from Fast Five


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Here's Dom's 70' Charger from the movie Fast Five. Built for the Fast and Furious tribute build to go along side Brian's 72' Skyline also from Fast Five. Built as close as I can to the one seen in the movie.

It started out as a Revell 69' Charger, the w.i.p is here http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=87233 if anyone is interested in seeing the building of it. The grille was made from scratch with styrene sheets layer over one another then sanded down to be mostly accurate. The wheels were modeled by me and printed by Shapeways. Most of the interior was also made from scratch covered with heat and air duct tape for the aluminum look. I'll try to get better pics of the interior a little later.





Thank you for looking!

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Thank you for the very kind words everyone.

Oh, the grille material is .006 dia brass wire, it can be found on ebay. The Dollar Tree also sells a fine mesh strainer for cooking (big flat round thing with a handle) I think it's also the same size, maybe just a taste larger. I keep forgetting to buy one for comparison though.

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