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Now I'm finding my way back to old projects. This one I started in 2011 and almost finished then but one of the decals got messed up and the partsfit on the camper was bad so I stranded. Got a new set of decals from a friend and now I'm back on it and hoping to finish it this time.

Started out with the Monogram F250/F350 kit, AMT/ModelKing Open Road camper decalsheet from AMT Star Truck.

This is where I started back then.


Was getting together:



I had painted the interior for the camper:

And this is where it stopped:



As you can see, the decal on the right front got messed up and I tried to fix it by printing out a copy on my printer. Did not look good.

Now, I have gotten it out of a box. Dusty and some parts have come of I'm going to change a few details on it and try to apply the new decal for the right front.

Will post pictures of that later.

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So where do I stand today?
I have decided to redo the camper part. The cab and front section will stay the way it is as I do not want to tear it apart. The camper part will go trough a process similar of the home-decorating programs on tv. I will change the dark and gloomy colors and I have gotten curtian material, wallpaper and as a first installment I have put a new tablecloth on the table.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a small update, I have tried to get a better woodlike color as the one before was to dark in my eyes. I have painted with humbrol 61 and MIG Brown wash.

And here is one of the sides of the camper, painted in a "chrome" paint that I think make it look a bit like aluminium with chromefoil around the windows and on other bits.

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Another little update on this one, I have started to make and install curtains. Made from normal copypaper and a floralpattern image I found in a googlesearch. I have used woodglue and water to make it stay wrinkled and hung them from 0.8mm brassrod.



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Thank for the comments :)

It is to late to alter the wheelopenings at this stage. I have realized that the camper part is probably 15-20 years to old for the truck. I guess I can claim that someone has moved the chassismounted camper over from an older truck :)

Edited by Atmobil
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  • 2 weeks later...

Things are slowly coming togheter. I have painted the benches and since I have to glue the roof in place I have installed lighting in the roof panel. Made from 3mm diodes and some custom headlamppods from unknown source. The kitchen sink and stove have also been put back togheter. Getting closer now.

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Continued work on this one, trying to give some "life" to the inside of the camper by placing a LUDO gameboard on the table togehter with some bottles and drinkingglasses.

The box for the game is on one of the benches.

I have mounted the sides and front parts together now, it is quite difficult to work with as the parts are all warped in different directions but with some creative use of clamps and other tools I think it is now square. I forgot to glue the bed in before I mounted the sides so now I have to be a bit more creative to find a way to get it in.

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Things are slowly coming togheter. I have painted the benches and since I have to glue the roof in place I have installed lighting in the roof panel. Made from 3mm diodes and some custom headlamppods from unknown source. The kitchen sink and stove have also been put back togheter. Getting closer now.


Great job so far, I plan to build mine as soon as I decide on a scheme & get the right truck - your wood is perfect, very nice !! - I found a neat site while looking for ideas for this camper, some great stuff on there


Edited by Krazy Rick
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The idea with the light in the camper is great! Nice build and progress. Like the structured wood.

To answer your question: I got the Chevy Pickup in one piece. Took away the bed and from the first testing to the final mounting: the camper fitted perfect to the body (edges, wheel houses...). It looked like that it was planned to get a camper on it while they developed the Chevy.


I used screws to get it on the base ;)

Edited by christian-w
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