Hoosier Model Car Association 37th annual show in conjunction with the Hoosier Vintage Wheels Swap Meet
Swap meet May 19 and 20 - Vendors can set up Saturday only OR Friday and Saturday for the same prices. Only $20 for an 8 foot table ($25 after May 1) Make checks payable to HMCA. This show is held in conjunction with a full-size swap meet so you will have customers who would not ordinarily attend a model car swap meet.
Swap Meet info: Mike O'Leary, 827 HIldebrand Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46217; 317-731-5676; williamoleary827@yahoo.com
Contest May 20 - 20+judged classes plus Best-of award. Theme: "Number 37"; $50 case drawing for contest entrants
Special Awards: Bob Clidinst Memorial (Indianapolis Motor Speedway related), Scruggs-O'Hara award
Entry $3 for first model, $1 for each additional. Youth $1 per model
Contest: John White, 765-571-1104; dakotajohn@embarquemail.com