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Posts posted by unclescott58
51 minutes ago, Mark said:
I thought Round 2 did do a short run of the kits in this box, as an Auto World store exclusive.
I have one from just a few years back. Even though I had already purchased and build the Munster’s tin box set about 10 years ago. When Round 2 reissued the Dual Ghoul set I had to pickup one of those too. Since that was how I got my original Munster kits back in about 1970.
Okay, below are photos of box art variations for the same Revell kit. You tell me which one would get you to buy? I know which one got me to part with my money back in the day. And despite what you think, it was not the first one. I would love to have that kit in that first box. Which is how it was release it’s first outing. But, by the time I was ready to buy, the second variation as on the shelves. I still want the one in the first box. I keep hoping Atlantis will someday fulfill that dream.
15 minutes ago, Stef said:
Awesome topic.
Skimming through, doesn't seem as though anyone has mentioned Lindberg's 1948 Lincoln, which came out in the late 90s or early 00s.
In the 90s, Lindberg came back from the grave, and despite lackluster box art, created some truly amazing kits.
Their box art typically featured a single photograph of a real vehicle, which was repeated on all sides.
IIRC, they did not use photos of real models, and did not include any other views. Not of the rear, the engine, chassis, interior, or anything.
We just had to go on faith, and judge by the photo, and the subject matter.
After an onslaught of amazing all-new kits, Lindberg was riding the crest of the wave, and could do no wrong.
They'd earned our trust by making hit after hit after hit.
That all changed when they [REDACTED] the bed on the 48 Lincoln.
I was looking forward to this thing, picked it up, opened it, and was horrified to discover it was a total piece of BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH.
Turns out, it was an old Pyro.
In the past, box art has influenced many of my purchase decisions.
Thought not so much these days, as HPI Guy breaks down pretty much everything on the market.
If anything, his reviews make me want to buy everything, regardless of the box art.
The old Pyro Lincoln with a little work…. Okay a lot of work can actually look pretty good in the end. I still have not finished mine. But, below is a photo of someone else’s build I found online to keep me inspired. Someday, I’ll have to get around and finish mine.
5 hours ago, junkyardjeff said:
I was given one of the above for free just a little over 25 years ago. Mint, unbuilt, in the box. I promptly ruined its worth by building it. Not that I did a bad job building it. In fact it turned out great. It was just worth less because I built it. But, that was why it was given to me for free. The guy knew I liked the car and would build. Rather turning around and selling it for a profit. The 1967 Ford XL convertible is still one of my all time favorite full-size Fords. And I’m glad I’ve got one in my collection.
That first vehicle is both cool and scary at the same time. The kid inside me likes. The adult says, “No way.”
43 minutes ago, unclescott58 said:
I just sent a request to Moebius Models for the replacement parts I need. Or at least I think I may have sent in a request to them. I had problems get my iPad to agree to send the message. Heck if I know why? But if I dont’t hear from them in a few days I’ll try again.
I have to laugh. This kit must be jinxed for me. Even sending a email to their customer service doesn’t want to work. ?
Happy to say, my message got through, and Moebuis quickly responded. They indicated it will take a while to get the parts I need. But, I expected that, and am okay with that. They indicated that if it was just a hood, that could have been taken care of right away (as we’ve heard from others). So I’ll wait. And hopefully have a happy ending in the end. I’m sure I will.
I just sent a request to Moebius Models for the replacement parts I need. Or at least I think I may have sent in a request to them. I had problems get my iPad to agree to send the message. Heck if I know why? But if I dont’t hear from them in a few days I’ll try again.
I have to laugh. This kit must be jinxed for me. Even sending a email to their customer service doesn’t want to work. ?
2 hours ago, unclescott58 said:
Speaking of “retro box art.” Below is is example of a kit where I think the old, original box art was better than the new. The much hated (though not by me) Revell/Atlantis Jungle Jim Camaro Funny Car. I feel the original box art was much more appealing. Though neither cover gives you a true idea of what’s in the box.
It should be noted, one problem with the Atlantis reissue of their Jungle Jim Camaro kit, is no where on the box does it actually show you what’s in the box. On the original Revell box they at least showed a built ups of the kit on a side panels. And on the bottom of Round 2’s boxes they show you what’s in the box. Luckily I knew what I was buying, before purchasing Atlantis’ Jungle Jim Camaro. I’m sure there are going to be a few people who will be surprised and disappointed when they open their kit and see it looks very little like the photos on box.
20 hours ago, iamsuperdan said:
Moebius' customer service has been excellent on this.
I had a closer look, my hood and floor pan were warped. Not as bad as many others I've seen, but still not perfect.
I emailed. They replied very quickly and said they had the parts in stock would send them out. Asked me to double check the ramp parts, as those were causing the most grief.
I replied and said all was good, it is just the hood and floor.
Replacements now on route, tracking number provided.
And this is why I will always open a kit as soon as I get it. Sounds like a lot of people don't like breaking the factory seal for whatever reason. But if I finally opened it two years down the road, what are the odds of getting replacement parts then?
It sounds like I need to check the “floor pan”too? Are you referring the interior floor pan? Or the bottom of the ramp section of the truck?
Speaking of “retro box art.” Below is is example of a kit where I think the old, original box art was better than the new. The much hated (though not by me) Revell/Atlantis Jungle Jim Camaro Funny Car. I feel the original box art was much more appealing. Though neither cover gives you a true idea of what’s in the box.
A lot of people here are putting down the old kits as being junk. I disagree. I’ve been building great looking models for years from that so called ”junk.” Some of the newer kits have been more of a problem for me. They’ve gotten so overly detailed and complicated, I have troubles sometimes getting a good looking model out of them. And there is also talk of unmaintained and worn out tooling. I think that Round 2, along with Atlantis, has done a great job updating some, and cleaning up others. I’ve had less problems with their “old” reissues, than with Moebuis’ new kits (the new kits by Revell in general have been very good). I’ve never gotten a kit in recent years, with as badly warped parts as I got in the latest Moebius Ramp Truck kit.
Either way, I guess it doesn’t really matter what I think. But, I’m going to continue giving my money to buying old “junk” kits in boxes with old box art, because that’s what I like, trust, and am comfortable with. I work with kids, and I don’t see or hear many of them showing any real interest in model building. So I think Round 2 and Atlantis are doing the right thing and selling kits to old farts like me. I have the interest and money to buy both the new and old kits I want, or have wanted in the past.
I love the “Retro Box Art.” I’ve purchased several AMT kits in the past few years because of it. To me it’s like fine art and it’s a matter of taste. Sure somebody can do a more accurate painting of a night scene than Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. But does that make it better? Some of the new art by Kelly Daniel used on Atlantis’ reissues of his father’s kits, are in my opinion better than what Monogram gave us back in the day. So it’s not just nostalgia to me.
Is my opinion on this more correct than yours? Who knows? Round 2 must think “Retro Box Art” works. They keep putting out kits in this manner. And have been doing it for several years now.
On 7/21/2022 at 5:37 PM, Big John said:
The old Monogram kits come up on thE bay often. prices vary. Wheels are really type 51.
Sorry, I don’t know my Bugattis all that well. It’s seems all I know of prewar Bugattis are the 51 and Royal. I wish I did know more.
What Mr. Goldman has shown us above excites me to no end. It looks great. Classic old AMT. I love it. Mr. Goodman indicated it will probably come with different tires what is shown above. I hope so. And “stock” Mustang from that era really should be sitting on red lines in my opinion.
On 7/24/2022 at 1:42 AM, Luc Janssens said:
Order the replacement parts, then after you receive them, you'll be on your way. It's not like you won't have anything to build 'till then, do ya?
Tongue in cheek
I’m thinking along the the lines your suggesting, Luc. And your right, I may have one or two other models I can work on until then. Or three, four, or a few hundreds. ?
On 7/17/2022 at 6:23 AM, ChrisR said:
Very nice!
Thank you.
On 7/4/2022 at 7:54 AM, TarheelRick said:
Very nice build of a very questionable kit. I have a sealed one on the shelf (waiting for it to become a high-priced rarity) although I may possibly attempt to build it. Saw a couple of these running last weekend with the Southeast Gassers Association. Didn't get any pictures them this year but did get one when they were here last year. He is running a SBC with a four speed, and the body is all steel.
I hope you go ahead and build yours. And I hope it looks as good in the end, as the Henry J above.
On 7/21/2022 at 9:20 AM, Reeves Racing said:
Great job. I think this kit isn't near as bad as its been made out to be.
IMO it is. But that’s okay, because I knew that going in to it. My skills have improved a lot in over 50 years. So, despite the challenges, I enjoyed the build. And thank you for your kind words.
12 hours ago, mikemodeler said:
I have to ask.......Why did you order it knowing full well it had issues and then complain? And if the seller gave you essentially the kit for free, why complain? You could part it out and make some money, give it to someone who will try to build it as it is, or use it for parts.
I ordered one because not everybody was having troubles. Hoping, that maybe I too would get a good one. It was just bad luck that I did not. Had a little hassle with the vendor not willing to take it back. But, they did agree to refund most of my money in the end. So the problem is generally solved. But, does that mean I should not be unhappy? I still want build a ramp truck, if not Moebius’, one like it. I’ll be very happy if I can build the Moebius ramp truck, one way or another.
5 hours ago, slusher said:
Scott, I feel for you man. You should contact Moebius, about it. I think they will take care of It. Without model builders they are out of business..
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I still like the concept of this kit. And since the seller refused to take it back, I’m debating on contacting Moebius, seeing if I can get replacement parts and trying to build the kit. I’d still like to have a ramp truck like it in my collection.
21 hours ago, Can-Con said:
What I want to get my hands on in the picture above….. Whoops I had better be careful I do not want offend someone. ? Again! (“I’m a man, I can change if I have too.”)
As far as what big surprise Round 2 is coming out with? The more I read this tread, the less interested I get. No one, including me, seems have a clue. Can not be built stock? Something we haven’t seen in long time? My hopes would be for the ‘32 Ford 2-door sedan that use to come with the ‘40 Willys coupe. That’s only thing I can think of that would really excite me. (Model wise, that is. Again I have to be careful. ?)
9 hours ago, unclescott58 said:
The hood and part main part of the ramp floor, part #420, will not straighten out on my example no matter how many “rubber bands,” or clamps, etc, one uses. The other warped parts might. But, I’m not going to start working on this, only to find other unresolvable issues later on. I hopefully can get my money back now, instead. Before I gotten to a point where that maybe impossible. This kit with shipping, cost me just under $50 U.S. Not a huge amount money. But, more than I’m willing to just throw away.
I’m a little confused. At first the seller was not going to take the kit back. Because they claimed I had “started building it.” But, they were willing to refund my shipping costs. I explained, I did not start building the kit. I only took parts out of their bags to check them out. And whether they willing to refund me or not, I was sending the kit back. They came back with a bigger refund. Though I’m confused on how much in the end? I think I’m out $10.00, but I’m not sure. They said, do not send the kit back in meantime. So I maybe $10 shy and stuck with a kit that I can not built. Too much hassle. But, I’ll live with it.
I think this maybe my last purchase of a Moebius kit. The overall problems I’ve had, as will be seen soon with a ‘65 Comet I’m building, in the “Under Glass” car section, and with other kits. And now this. I don’t trust or like Moebius kits. Quality control is questionable. And not just on this kit. Some assembly steps don’t work well for me. And in general, they are for the most part not fun to build. I’m in this hobby, first because of my love of cars and trucks. And second for the fun of building. Moebius does not offer me what I’m looking for. -
20 minutes ago, Dpate said:
It looks like your the lucky one. Congratulations.
1 hour ago, wrenchr said:
You need to play the mega millions.
You did not read the follow up posts!
Round2 Retro Box Art. Yes or No?
in Car Kit News & Reviews
What “all-new body” are you talking about?