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Posts posted by unclescott58

  1. Atlantis sent out a email today that they are taking pre-orders on the announced 1/32 funny cars. I got my order in immediately, for the four. The Charger, Duster, Camaro, and Mustang. I hope more are going to appear shortly down the road. I remember these as being fun little builds. And I’m partially into this hobby because of the fun of it. 

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  2. Even though I liked the last one I built. I want to do another one. I grew up with real Comets as a kid. Even though we didn’t have a ‘64, or a fancy version of the Comet like a Caliente. I remember my dad driving a friends new ‘64 Caliente two-door one afternoon, and both of us lusting over it. It beat the heck out of (in more ways than one) our “Plain Jane” ‘61 two-door sedan. Or even our fairly nice looking, later ‘67 Comet 202 two-door. (With the late season Sport Coupe package! But, still a six-cylinder.) So I will anyways have a soft spot for the ‘64 Comets. Especially the two-door Caliente hardtops. 

  3. Very, very kool. A you don’t have to worry about radiators and such on vehicles like these. In world they come from, they all have a “special” coolant, just in the engine, that keeps them cool and running just fine. The exhaust and heat in the shared compartment with the driver and passenger is not a problem either. As long as one looks kool driving it. 

    in all seriousness, great job. 

  4. Back to the original poster, Túlio. Nice Maverick and Chevrolet Opala. Fun to see variations of vehicles not sold sold in the United States.  Very cool. 

  5. Despite the warping, quality control issues I’m seeing here, I put my order in for the Moebius ramp truck this afternoon. I’m hoping the one I get is okay. After reading and seeing what I’ve seen here, I’m a little bit worried it may not be. 

  6. 13 hours ago, TooOld said:

    Looks really good to me , great job Scott !  I suspect the engine assembly and frame were probably meant to be the same color , just a guess .

    P.S. -  Tom's son is Kelly . :)

    Thank, and whoops! Kelly not Keith? My mistake.

  7. 1 hour ago, bisc63 said:

    Could be lighting, could be differences in monitors and their color calibrations, or a combination of both. Ain't technology grand?! You'll notice quite a few posts on here where the poster will remark something along the lines of, "... not sure about my pictures, it looks more (or less) -insert color here- in person."Or brighter. Or darker, etc... Anyway, it sure wasn't meant to offend; on my computer, it's a beautiful bright red!

    As long as its “beautiful”. ?

  8. 14 hours ago, Richard Bartrop said:

    I have the Stutz, though it could do with a little restoration.  The thing about the kit that really impressed me at the time was just the whole idea of making updated versions of old classics.  I think I spent that whole summer with books of old cars and a stack of paper drawing up modern versions

    Cool. Any of those old drawings still around that you can show us?

  9. 25 minutes ago, unclescott58 said:

    There was talk about this video last night before our MCCM (Model Car Club of Minnesota). After just now seeing this video, I’m not impressed with the owner of this Comet in more ways than one. It’s a shame a guy like that owns and drives a beautiful car like that. 

    The more I think about it, I’m not impressed with Shawn either, after watching this video closer a second time. Plus, so many flags went up before they went off on the drive. The owner was an idiot in so many ways. Over $200,000 and 2 marriages? Boy is he a good catch to all the gals out there. (Yet a guy like that will probably get someone to be his next wife. There are women who fall for guys like that all the time. I don’t get it.) 

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