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Posts posted by W-M-D

  1. Maybe they closed abruptly. Some businesses don't want to admit that they're losing money and when the end hits, they just lock the door that day. It's often when their suppliers suspend their credit. Other times a principal owner dies, and the business closes. I don't know this shop or situation, just stating possible reasons why it went this way...

  2. I just found out that Big Four Hobbies in Plainfield, Indiana has closed. I hate to hear this. It was a hour and a half drive to Big Fours but I enjoyed the drive every time I went. They would get you anything you wanted as long as it was avalible to them. The only thing I don't understand is why they did not notify loyal customers they were closing. I had six models on order with them and had not herd anything from them in a couple of months. So I tried calling all day but no answer and no answering machine. I happen to check another form and found out. Sorry they closed but at the same time a little upset that they did not notify me so I could find another place to place my preorders. I am sure I wasn'tone of their biggest customer nor visited as often as others did but every time I was in the store I sent more money than I want to admit and a budy that always went with me would spend just as much. Just disappointed.

  3. I manage to get my hand on an original Kiss van model kit and on the outside of the box it list the colors needed to do the kit. To my surprise is not one of the colors. It list two different brads of paint. This first is Pactra - Insignia Red, Insignia Orange and Exotic Purple, or Testor #1103 Red, #1127 Orange and #1134 Purple. The pink color on the box must be due to the model being molded in white and the process of dipping the paint to get the swirl effect left the red thin enough that it appears pink.

  4. i am looking to get a 55 Chevy convertible kit can you tell me which kit this is? I have been told that some come with a continental rear bumper and i don't want that one i am wanting on with a stock rear kit.

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