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Posts posted by SirIncognito

  1. I thought the show was pretty good I left with 8 kits and a few odds and ends. But I agree with ya Casey that some of the pricing was pretty "interesting" to say the least. My favorite price anomaly was two vendors next to each other both with the same f150 model both were sealed one was $ 15 the other was $10 the models were about three feet away from each other.

  2. I was at the Serb hall show in nov and I agree there were a lot of hot wheels but my buddy that I went with collects them it worked out for me so I didn't have to go by my self am thinking that I might have to pick my brother-in-law from Mitchell international sometime this weekend so will give me an excuse to stop by (for my first time) empire and greenfield news and hobby. I have heard that they are suppose to be pretty good.

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