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Posts posted by buxxx69

  1. My lord. I don't know whether to sell off my collection or take serious heed here. This build is one of the most amazing builds I have ever seen. A master builder is too minor a title for someone with your skillset sir.  Thank you for letting us be a part of this incredible journey.

  2. Didn't realize this small post was going to get so twisted out of control. Thanks to all for your input on the ESCI models and information. I have one coming so I wasn't sure what to expect. Second: Get bent to all the cyber bullies who feel it necessary to input their ignorant views solely to see their own post and attempt to intimidate or show an unwelcome show of bravado which in fact, is not welcome or needed in a freaking model building forum. Ridiculous. Thirdly: Thank you for the admin who moved this question to the correct venue. I apologize for the blandness of this question but thank you for all the feedback. Happy modeling and cheers !!!!!!!!!!!

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