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Posts posted by rustbucket82

  1. With my work schedule, I am sorry to say I haven't built anything in a few years. Everything I have built is either in storage or was (sadly) destroyed by an ex wife. Hopefully that will change soon and I can start sharing my work here.

  2. Let's see some perfect models you've built. :)

    I did not know that it was a requirement to post my models here?? I see plenty of other people who do not post builds. And besides, there is no such thing as a perfect model. What is perfect in ones eyes may not be in others.

  3. "Strive for perfection in everything we do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it. Accept nothing nearly right or good enough" - Sir Henry Royce

    (this is Jared Wagner, rustbucket82's tagline)

    And I live and work by that quote.

  4. What were they thinking?

    "this is fun" hopefully.

    Someone had a great time building that and I am sure that when they did so they had a logical reason behind every modification they made.

    I know I did when I did similar as a kid.

    Are we really that sad and jaded that we would hold this up to ridicule because it doesn't meet the standards we set for ourselves?

    Would any of us like it if work by our children was held up for ridicule?


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