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Foggy 2

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Posts posted by Foggy 2

  1. Hi Sam,

    Remember that they are your models and if enjoyed building them then why you started that's all that matters mate.

    I'm 73 and still learning after 60 years of building so just enjoy yourself.

    I hope the flash fires don't effect you and your fellow modellers in BC their not good for your stash keep them cool.

    Thinking of you all over there.

  2. Hi Leroy,

    Welcome to the club, don't worry about your wife, just tell her that at least she knows where you are..................in your modelling room or at your club meeting place and not in a bar some place spending money.

    It worked for me and now she don't even ask me where I'm off to................down to the model shop again for something I need.


    Foggy 2.

  3. Hi Roy, Welcome to the site and to retirement, like you said it's is boring. So get yourself a big rig on the modelling table and time will fly. I also like trucks along with researching the truck I'm going to build. nowadays there is so much data out there on the internet as well as great books and if you can't find what your looking for then just ask on the this site there a great bunch here and someone will have an answer for you before you know it. Happy modelling and enjoy your well earned retirement.

    Rgds, Foggy 2.  

  4. Hi Robert,

    Us Old ones must stick together, just like plastic in the kits. I have loads of old kits in my stash and I take them out now and again to see how they are getting along. On this site we have a great bunch of modellers of all ages with loads of knowledge they only need to be asked and will freely give sound advice, tips and if needed the odd part you may need to finish off a model.

    Welcome Robert and enjoy yourself.


    Foggy 2.   

  5. Hi Dave & Tony,

    I've been looking for a resin International 4900 Crew Cab kit for ages now without any luck on E bay or any other web site!!!

    If you ever get around to casting one Dave, then there will be a couple of them making their way over to the UK, that's for sure, along with a shed load of other builds in the good old USA.

    I'll keep on looking for now, so if anyone has one they would like to trade or needs the $ just let me know.


    Foggy 2.

  6. Hi David, I also find that building models is my way of getting rid of my stress because it's so relaxing, hours can go by just like that. I don't log how many hours it takes to complete each one I just go onto the next one on the list, yes I do have a list, but if something interesting comes along then I go with that as well.

    I look forward to seeing your Mustang, I do have the Revell Mustang Fastback on the shelve, so welcome David to our Forum and enjoy yourself.

    Rgds, Foggy 2.   

  7. Hi Jerry, welcome to the forum, Life sometimes gets in the way of our hobby, but it still there deep down and your reawakening will add another modeller to the ranks of returning modellers like so many others including myself. You have at your fingertips a great bunch of modellers who give help and assistance if asked for free all you have to do is ask. Welcome home Jerry. 

  8. Hi Patrick,

    That's a really nice build you have there, let the modelling roll. As you can tell from my tag photo I'm a truck nut but I do some cars to ease the brain off of those 18 wheelers for a time anyway. The battle with the Big C continues with me but I'm well enough to sit at my workbench and fight it that way as well as all the other things life throws at you, (you know where I'm coming from Eh!!!).



  9. Hi Steve, welcome again!!!! what a build you have there, how did you get that approved by the head of the "kit border patrol" I'd be locked up for good if I proposed any build like that here in the UK, also planning permission from our local council would be asking a shed (that's all I've got to work with) load of questions..................I'd just hope that the person concerned was also a modeller, it would really help.

    Anyway great Man cave and also great models as well..............enjoy the forum!!!!




  10. Hi Patrick, Welcome to the forum and back to modelling again, I find making a model one of the best stress relief actions out there and you get to see all of your efforts as a model of what you personally like be it Cars, Trucks, or any other model type it's a great tonic. Like you I came back into making models again after a long break, I also needed to get some stress relief after being told I had the big C boy that stress is a big one and making models has been my help and saviour even if it's only an hour or two a week, it will make a difference.

    Enjoy your modelling and have fun doing that, there are loads of good people here on this site who will and can help you if you have any problems allowing you to make better models, what's to worry about. 

    Rgds, John.

  11. Hi Earl,

    I have spent a lot of time in Washington State, mostly in Seattle (Boeing) picking up new aircraft and ferrying them to airlines all over the world. As you can see I'm really interested in my namesake Trucks both Loggers and Interstate long haulers, I just love Trucks, I've also just retired and am sorting out my stash of kits in three of my lofts to get some order.

    So Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your retirement making models as I do.


    Foggy 2.

  12. Hi John and also welcome to your son to our hobby, we need young blood to get interested as well and it's great to get you and your son involved.

    Be happy and build for fun as well, you will find great joy watching your son discover all the new methods available from this site we are a great bunch of modellers so don't be afraid to ask if you need any info, we shall only be too glad to help if we can.


    Foggy 2. 

  13. Welcome Bryant, Wow 50+ Models this year, that's some schedule. Well good luck and we all would like to see your builds as they progress. We all have the bug, just some more than others but it does not mean that we are not serious builders.

    Just remember, build what you like and relax and enjoy our hobby.

    Foggy 2. 

  14. Mark,

    Life is a two way street mate, we on this forum ask the members for information which is freely given and if possible pass on our own data or tips to help any other members who strive to improve their modelling skills or just need to know some info. We all have our own topics and type of model even if it is not the exact need for our next project, we can change that model to whatever needs to be done, if we come up against a particular problem we come onto this forum to see if another modeller has had a similar problem and if they have any possible solution.

    My first point of contact would always be this forum as they say "two heads are better than one" but in this case we have heads all over the world who are willing to help if they can and all for free to another modeller.

    You can't get better than that!!!!!

    Foggy 2.

  15. Welcome to the forum Boris, why not get the same kit for yourself, that way your son can copy from you at the same time, my dad did this with me and it made me feel great that I had made the car (a 48 Ford Coupe, I still have) all on my own,

    I was hooked then and still am, that was 50+ years ago now, I do miss my dad, but I do have my models his tips and techniques are still used today, also loads of really good memories of making models with him as well!!!

    Please remember, your never to old to model.


    Foggy 2.  

  16. Hi Luis,

    Welcome to the place to be in modelling, most important is you enjoy whatever your modelling, I use it to unwind after a hectic days work, it's amazing how a few hours modelling lowers the blood pressure!!!!!

    Just model whatever floats your boat mate and you'll soon pick up tips here and there's always someone to ask how to do stuff, we have all been there and done it......................Enjoy.


    Foggy 2.

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