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About mustang1989

  • Birthday 08/27/1968

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    Not Gonna Do It
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    THAT aint happenin'

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  • Full Name
    Joe Shaw

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Thank you Bob, Rastislav and Gabriel for the good comments!
  2. This build AND the photography of it are "all that". That paint finish and details bring this puppy to life. Beautiful car Greg.
  3. This turned out to be a good lookin' build Nigel. You picked the details out nicely in that interior bud.
  4. Building copies of our 1:1 rides is always alot of fun. The good thing is that we've got all the reference material we'll need for a build like this either right outside in our driveway or in pictures of them. Yours turned out fabulous Bruce!!
  5. Mister that is one sharp ride right there. I've seen a lot of things done with Volkswagens but I have yet to see something like this. Outstanding paint, weather and detail work. WOW!!!
  6. Sounds like a LOT of work that you put into this kit to achieve this result Terry. A great effort and a terrific outcome.
  7. Thanks fellas. This was indeed a fun kit to build!!
  8. Looks like you packed in 7 good ones for the year Al. That blue F-100 really stands out to me but well done on all of 'em bud.
  9. These are actually some good fun to build Paul and it looks like you're doing a good job with this so far. Tedious.......yes......but the end results are so worth it. I built the Fokker DR-1 a couple of years back and it came together pretty nicely for me.
  10. Going there now bud and thanks!!
  11. You sure finished out the year with some good-looking builds Greg but I'm particularly drawn to this one. Which kit is this and what all did you do to it to get this look? Brilliant build.
  12. Man that is frickin' SHARP!! Your hard work sure paid off on this one Sam. Love the wheel/ tire combo on this car.
  13. Great usage of outside parts on it too. I used the Monogram 59 Impala engine on mine (which looks like the same engine that 's in the 59 Caddy kit). Fit right in there like it was meant to.
  14. I've taken one of these on and know firsthand how challenging these can be. The color choice on yours really brought out the best in the car and you picked out all of the chrome trim and details perfectly. Where'd you source the wheels from as they go well on this.
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