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Posts posted by JabMan

  1. Well I have done some more work. I have (most of the way) finished the chassie. The kit came with lift's so I added them It dosnt look that bad.



    Here is the stance with the slicks.



    I like it but thinking of lowering the front end a bit.

  2. I don't like the cold much, if I wasn't married I would probably movew to a warmer climate. My wife on the other hand likes the cold weather and cant stand the heat (at least when it is above 85 degrees). I will probably be staying where I,m at because I dont see getting a divorce over weather as an option. LOL

  3. 10 degrees and 4" of new snow here in the northern part of Ohio.

    I don't care if it's dry, stale, 120 and 100% humidity soaking wet heat.... I will take it..... i'm TIRED OF WINTER!!

    so, in Arizona, it's only brutally hot a few months out of the year, right, then it's 80's... or am I off base with this?

    I am with you there, This has been the most cold and snowiest winter we have had in Minnesota in a few years.

  4. @ Dave isle, Since you are from MPLS. I was driving down West Broadway (in north minneaplos) and saw this old beatup 70's or 80's van, the thing was a rust bucket falling apart. But it had the biggest newest tires with spinners that I have ever seen. I just laughed and shook my head.

  5. thank you for the welcome !! I am actually not a beginner i have been building for about 35 years with some stops along the way, but i have always pretty much stuck to the rules i am looking to break out of the rules and do a little more customizing and parts swap !!looking forward to all the help and knowledge that awaits on this forum !!

    Yep that's me to, I'm glad I found this site and have been trying to break out of the sticking to the rules rut.

    Welcome!! this is trully a great site.

  6. Ok, I lost the wheels of my modle some how so went to look in another model I was digging in and didn't find then but found some silcke. I thought I would use them. I have only built straight from the box, never trying ant customization. I like the way the tires look but they don't seem to fit that well. How can I lift the rear end to make the tires fit better? I have already put the finish coat on the body and am not willing ( at this time) to alter the body.

    I am aasentually a begenner at this, even though I have been building models for quite some time I am only now trying to move out of my comfort zone.

    any tips on the above problem would be greatly apprecated. Here are some photos.




  7. Well I have been busy this week and didn't have much time to play with my model. I did get the engine most of the way done.



    I am going to work on the chassis next I think. the Body has not been sanded or polished yet, I am waiting until I can afford to go to the local hobby shop to pick up a few things like BMF and flocking.

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