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Posts posted by Jehan17

  1. Hi guys,


    Lately my wife and I have been watching the Supernatural TV show. As you know it features a 4 door '67 Impala.

    I have the AMT kit and I thought I would do a factory stock version. With Modelhaus gone do you know a source for regular tires and hubcaps for a factory stock setup?

    I may also pickup a second copy of the kit, that black Impala just looks too good. :)



  2. Hi Guys.

    I picked up a Monogram bad Actor kit recently and even thought it was sealed the glass parts where missing.

    Would anyone have these parts? It's a kit I built as a kid and I'd like to go back memory lane. :)

  3. Hi guys,


    A few weeks ago I found a Monogram Bad Actor kit sealed and all. Since I remembered getting this kit as a kid I wanted to do throw back build.

    Well once I opened the "sealed" box the kit had no glass!! 

    Is there  kit's glass that I could use as a replacement or one of you kind souls have an extra or junk one.


  4. Love a black 1st Gen Firebird!. 


    Really like that front end treatment too. Looks like the custom front end AMT put on thier "Quarter Masters" custom Firebird that came with a drag boat.

    Nice kit never know about it but I guess great minds think alike...  :)

  5. Hey, don't shoot yourself too hard. Yes the first two photos make it look a bit rough but you have metallic paint and I can see in the other pics that it layed out nicer.

    Just wondering if the camera is not playing tricks on you. I do see that you are very good with the detail painting and a very clean builder at the same time.

    Keep 'em comming!


  6. Hey thanks guys,

    Glad you like the look. I always like the front end of the chargers and though what if the firebird had hideaway's. 

    So I cut out the headlights to were that middle chrome bar ends, smoothed the grille out and made two extensions that would pick up where that bar left off.

    At firts I though I could scribe the grille lines in some evergreen but that gave me a rough look. (see bottom of the picture)

    So I redid it by stacking some evergreen strips. (Middle) I think I uses .40x.40 for the middle bar and alternated .10x.20 and .10x.30 on eache side of the bar.

    Don't quote me on the sizes I tend to use what looks good to the eye but that should get you in the ballpark.


    That looked better.

    Pictures do it better justice, I couldn't get as level paint on the hood and there are some pinholes where I filled in the accent lines on the quarter panel.

    But I try to learn a little something with every model and this one was painting black. Plus it was fun.


    And you are right Firebirds do look killer in black.


  7. Hi Guys,

    Here's my latest one. Started with the Chip Foose version and added a few tweaks. Hid the headlights and removed the three accent lines on the quarter panels.

    I also challenged myself on the black paint as a learning process. It's got a few quirks but overall it's not bad but I know where the defects are.






  8. Like what I'm seeing here. Gotta love working with those Powerslide decals don't you?

    Might want to test fit your air cleaners over the throttle linkage. As it comes in the kit they didn't fit level on mine.

    Thanks for the heads up, I'm not there yet.

  9. Hey guys,

    I know it's been a long time coming but what can I say, I'm a slow builder.

    I got the decals and a clear coat on the body. Just have to buff out a fleck of dust on the roof. I'm pretty happy with the finish, not too shiny but still nice.


    Also got the interior done. One word of warning on this Moebius kit. Enlarge all the holes for the pegs to fit in wih the tip of your x-acto blade. All the ones on mine where a bit too small.

    Better to know before it affects the finish on some parts.


    The floor pan, Frame and rims got finished and a drybrush. I'm thinking of resparying the floor pan a grayer color. What do you think? the tires have received a coat of Future in preperation for the dullcoat.





  10. We're having a group build on another forum called "Vintage Racing" and that them is just perfect for me. Subjects have to date back 25 years but I decided to really go vintage and you can't get more vinatge racing then a Nascar Hudson Hornet.

    I got my hands on Powerslide's Rathman sheet and had to get the kit. A quick look on the kit got me this Moebius/ Model King Marshall Teague Hornet.

    Very nice kit to start with and it includes a few nascar goodies like the exhaust.

    First thing I did was to cut out the fender skirts, you also have to sand off the back up lights.



    I then started work on the engine as I want to add a bit of detail to it. The basics are all there.


    I added some fuel blocks to the carbs in order to add the fuel lines.


    I painted the block in Tamiya's Gold Leaf and the carb's Tamiya Titanium Gold.



    The next thing I wanted to details was the airfilters. These things are massive and red so it's the first thing you see once the hood is open.

    Moebius got the shape right but the grills are molded solid so I chopped that off and added some mesh. That'll look much better.

    Here's a before and after.


    The body has been sanded and primed without much issues. the top got a coat of Tamiya's Racing White in a can to get that cream colour while the rest of the body was shot with Nasson Black basecoat.


    Sorry can't get the cream colour to come out in this photo.

    That's it for now

  11. I just got a decal sheet to replicate this car and I wondered what Moebius kit do i need.

    Are there any special parts in the Tim Flock or Marshall Teagues kits for a nascar car or I can use the regular coupe?


  12. Very nice project I'll be following. :)

    One correction though, the Allison V-1710 was produced by GM and not by Rolls-Royce. I hope you didn't want a pure RR combo but I find the use of an American engine in a RR kind of cool.

    By the was the 1710 stands for cubic inches, Yes that's a 1710 cu. in. puppy and the late versions develloped 2300HP at sea level. I'll let you imagine the torque. :lol:

    Better beef-up that frame!

  13. One of the best compliments you can give to a fellow modeler is that his model looks like a shrunk version of the real thing and you have done that. Congradulations.

    I'd be curious as to how you got the headlights to look so good. To me they are such a part of the "soul" of a car.

  14. OK guys seem like you liked the Nova so here another project.

    AMT's Camaro, built for production stock class. Tamiya TS-16 is the colour with Urethane clearcoat.

    Nice model but mine had tons of flash.






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