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Posts posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all I ordered 2 bikes off ebay yesterday, well amazingly one of them came today
    of course the first thing I did was a sprue count (did it 3 times)
    I must say I am quite dissapointed, it's not in the same league as the La Reale there are sink holes and seams all over the place (hope the honda is better. I tried to photo them but they dont really show up in the pics, still on with the show.
  2. That is a thought, I wouldn't mind a partially started kit but where is the fun in a completed kit, I mean it's the building I like once they're built I quickly loose interest in them, in fact they quite often get canabilised for a dio or something. As I run out of room my models usually end up in the scraps drawer for the parts.

  3. Hi all I bought off ebay my favourite bike of all time the cb750 k4 Honda and another bike a kwak 1000 the Honda was my favourite bike of all, (and I've owned some bikes I can tell you) the Honda was something else and if i could afford it and one came up now I would buy it just for the memorys .

    I would have loved the 1/6 tamiya one but at 350 quid (and that's the cheapest I've seen it ) I went for the 1/8 heller kit (yes the first thing I will do is a sprue count) the Heller kit is silver, mine was red so this will be also I engraved the engine casings on mine so am going to try that on this if the engine is big enough I think looking at my 1/6 bikes it might be, I know you're all yelling I thought you wouldn't get another heller kit, but hey they make some tempting kits.
  4. well this is on the back burner again
    as you can see from the parts list sprue 17 and 18 say 2 sprues sprue 9 and 9a are listed together with a sprue count of 2 I stupidly didnt count the number of oars on the sprues (there are 16 oars on each sprue) so the 2 on the parts list means 2 of each 9a and 9 (why didnt they list those to sprues separately or say 4 on the parts count, so now I have to go through the rigmarole of contacting heller again and waiting for the parts, this really is putting me off ever buying a heller kit again, I mean are all there kits like this, I dont think much of the're quality control if they dont even bother doing a sprue check on the contents of a kit.
  5. Hi all just a quick update I phoned the police this morning a got a very helpful woman, I explained what happened and where yesterday and asked how he was she said she would find out and get back to me, well ten mins ago she did he had surgery and is recovering his wife wants my address so she and her daughter can thank me in person, as the doctors assured her I certainly saved his life(I hadn't even thought of the bigger picture of course he's got a mum and dad, probably grandparents, maybe brothers and sisters) the thought of all those people all wanting to thank me for doing such a little thing, makes me want to cry and embarrasses the he'll out of me I said tell her that I am just glad he's ok and appreciate the thanks but that's all I need.

  6. Hi all just got back from taking my boss to Harrods to have her hair done.

    I was parked at the side of the road in my usual parking place when a woman opposite opened her car door as a motorcyclist was riding past, nearly cut his leg off so (don't know much but I am a trained first aider or was 3 years ago) I spent ten mins with my fist in his groin to stop the bleeding till the ambulance arrived. It was gory but the worst thing was the female car driver was in hysterics the whole time, it may seem callous but I did my best to ingore her and reassure pete he was more concerned about her, I could quite happily gagged her if my hands wernt busy doing other things, I actually feel quite sick now I'm home. This all happened about 1:30 this afternoon.
  7. Hi all i need a little something to help me through the La Reale whilst I'm waiting for my 1/6 Harley FXE to come in stock and this is it, I know the purists amongst you will be screaming Noooooo but yes I'm doing it this is going to be like no Etype anyone has ever seen. It will be very Death Race like.
  8. Hi all the flags on the main mast and the fore mast all have tassles on them, the instructions tell you to wind the gold thread round a rod or tube tie them then cut at the furthest point for the tie. well this is my best attempt out of ten
    so, after hours of slaving at making a specialist tool for the job I came up with this.
    yes I know it looks futuristic and exotic, and I know everyone will want one (especially at the special introductory offer of £50.00) I am expecting huge order numbers so please be patient, anyway here's how it works
    a vast improvement on this
    I think you will agree.
    I will be taking orders for my new tool which I will be calling the Prongy (catchy name dont you agree) I can see lots of other useful ideas for it too hair combing, lock picking, raking the grass just to mention a few So get in first to avoid the rush.
  9. Hi all you may think I've given up on this but I assure you I've not, I've spent all week on the rigging (not enough to bother posting but enough to drive me insane (I don't remember all the Airfix tall ships I built giving me so much trouble), must be the destructions, hopefully some pics tomorrow. I've done some work on the Royal Sovereign and finished the Honda vfr 750 f but, by the time I've done it, it's too late to post.

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