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Posts posted by c-plane362

  1. in my younger days I was lucky to fly for a seaplane company that took anglers to the Bahamas, one season we had a Beaver on Edo floats so I was able to get some hours flying it. a great plane and one of the only planes that I know of that you can add engine oil in flight as there is a fill in the co-pilots floor. I have the Canadian Mist kit and thankfully since I was also a mechanic for the company I have all my service and parts manuals. I hope to be able to put the interior in mine.

  2. Those are Johnson Elevation Meters and are used for transferring elevations long distances. They were hooked up to a onboard computer and would record changes in elevations as you drove. Canada, Australia as well as the United States Geological Survey used them. They are also equipped with an air system to monitor and adjust tire pressure. the last one was used in the early 70s.

    from the USGS web site A Johnson Elevation Meter mounted in a four-wheel-drive GMC Suburban 1960 model K1001 truck. The slope angle of the road was measured by a sensitive electronic pendulum, and the distance was measured by the fifth wheel. An onboard computer solved for the difference in elevation ten times per second. In areas of moderate relief with an adequate net of relatively smooth roads, these instruments were capable of establishing elevations within 2 feet while traveling at speeds approaching 30 miles per hour.



  3. This Magnum was built as part of a challenge thrown out to several of the south Florida clubs by my friend Adam (AKA Modeltruckmafia) to build the kit anyway we want so I combined the running gear from the tomb raider jeep with the magnum ( have to keep it all Chrysler) I use the Alaska trooper decals because which department could use it more? And besides I like the bear. This was my first major conversion it went well. Hope you all like it.







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