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Posts posted by peteski

  1. As Art mentioned, 3D printed prototype mock-up are already being extensively used in the industry. 3D-printed masters for resin or pewter cast models are also already used by several companies.  In time I'm sure that more and more companies (or cottage industries) will be using that technology.  There are several 3D printing technologies and dozens of printers which vary in printting resolution from really coarse to so fine that the printed items look like they have been injection-molded. Of course the cost of the fine-resolution printouts are much higher than the low-res ones.  But if used as a master, it pays to invest in a high-res printout.

  2. You're killin' me Harry! I was really good not buying any more kits (I have more than I can build in my lifetime, and here you go and post your build of this car. I was ale to resist until you showed lacing the wheels. Those are gorgeous! Now I want to get that model kit - even if only to learn this very interesting lacing technique to make it work on some custom wheels I would like to make for some of my other kits.

    So I went on eBay and I found one of these kits listed, ending at 11pm EDT. I ended up gettign it for $41. I think I got a bargain. Now I can learn that lacing technique (and maybe even build this cool model someday). :)

  3. I'm a bit confused about this voltage gauge thing.  In the cars I have dealt with a voltage gauge is a voltmeter hooked up to the main power distribution junction in the car.  It doesn't specifically read the alternator but the overall health of the 12V electrical system.  If that type of a gauge dropped to zero volts your car would stall as there would not be any power available to power the engine ignition or rest of the cars electrical circuit. Usually when alternator no longer charges the battery the voltage drops from around 14V to under 12V (since it is running just from the battery).

  4. Before anyone gets too critical, the red car I showed was done that way by design for the Rat Rod CBP.

    It was never intended to look like a concourse restoration. You're probably the first to notice that detail.

    It is your model Steve, so you can obviously do as you please.  I was just pointing out what jumps right out at me (maybe I'm extra anal, but that's usually a good thing when building models).:D It just seems lately that I have seen not properly aligned lenses on several factory-stock models.  If I was judging them I would deducts points for that.



    This one was build with the M.V. lenses:


     photo image_zpszdy0kpun.jpeg

    This one was build with Krystal Klear over the molded lenses:

     photo image_zpsrcem5uz8.jpeg

    (unfortunately the Krystal Klear wasn't totally dired when I took this pic)


    The MV lenses have very realistic looking reflectors, but the smooth lenses don't look realistic. Headlamp lenses (used in the standard U.S. specs headlamps) have optical facets molded in the glass.   Lack of that detail really kills the realism. I've scribed the facets into the MV lenses in the past but it is a tedious process which (since it is done freehand)  is not perfect.

    Speaking of the headlight lens optics (facets), I see lots of modelers not paying attention to how those facets line up. In real cars the headlamp unit is keyed to only fit in the headlamp holder one way. That is because the headlamp optics produce asymmetrical beam of light. If not installed properly the headlight could blind incoming cars, or not illuminate the road properly. The general rule is that the majority of the lines (facets) in the lens need to be perpendicular to the road surface.  If they are not the realism is lost again. The above model has the lines in the lenses not perpendicular to the road. It might look cool, but it is not realistic for a road vehicle.

    It doesn't take any extra time or effort to properly position the kit-supplied lenses, but it makes a big difference in realism.

  6. Same experience here. The paint dries but remains soft for years.  When I contacted Jameston he sent me a bottle of hardener to mix with the paint.  But since I din't need to paint anything at that time I just let the bottle of hardener sit. It ended up hardening in the bottle.  So I guess the non-clearcoat paints are 2-part paints which need hardener (catalyst?) to set them hard.  I prefer less hassle hobby-paints or automotive touch-up paints.

  7. As a bit of a packrat I save various glass bottles from used up hobby paints like Testors and Floquil. Alos the glass Gloss and Dullcote bottles (those IIRC are 1.5 oz.).  I have also bought empty Floquil bottles (from Micro-Mark). Another source of all sorts of glass bottles (and zillion other packaging items) is http://www.freundcontainer.com/ . I buy bottles, cans and jars from them.  Surplus materials vendors also sometimes have all sorts of small bottles available. Check out https://www.sciplus.com/ .

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