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Allison design

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Posts posted by Allison design


    I see nothing "innovative for it's time" about that car. And it was "Highly awarded" at the time in the same class as the Ala Kart. None are designs that could stand the test of time. None will be bought and sold at news making prices. One off customs can be cool but they have a shelf life, just like the pink pro street craze of the 90's.    

    Steve Scott is an absolute flake for sure and full of BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH about pretty much anything he talks about, but I totally disagree with this statement Krazy Rick. The Uncertain T did have some interesting and innovative ideas for its time, and car like the Ala Carte, and other kustoms from the day do sell for huge amounts of money today (look at Orbitron)... they are like fine art now, as they should be.... and the same will be said for those pro street cars in another 20 to 30 years... think of a car like Rick Dobbertons J2000.. it set trends, it had kits, had a zillion magazine covers, and is now forgotten for the time.. but sooner or later everthing comes back around and cars like that will be highly collectible one day....

       It is too bad that Mr. Scott did not stay "lost" because all he has done with his return is tarnish the uncertain T myth and history... I suspect in the very near future, when folks start wanting their money back on kits that will never be produced, he will become lost again. 

  2. cool Mathew, that T's an oldie!!! maybe its time to update??? If your on FB by chance I have a folder in my pics that is nothing but the doodles, all 170 plus of them.. I think I only have 6 or 7 on ebay right now...

    .. and John, yes I use mostly markers, all kinds.. a little sharpie here and there, some off brands,,, the bulk of color wash is chartpak AD markers, but sometimes I also use prima colors.. all depends on the color and how "juicy" I need it to go down is.. The AD markers are much smoother and lay down that water color look.

    I love doing the little doodles, they are fun, make people smile, and only take about an hour to do so I can sell them at a reasonable price...

    Right now I've been working on a new print set to sell for Christmas... basically its paper dolls and construction for boys, PAPER speed shop.. I've been posting hype for the set on my FB and folks seem to dig it.. For anyone that ever read CARtoons, its done in that flavor. Im putting it together as a loose booklet of about 13 pages for hopefully $15... Its not ready yet but here is what I have been showing on line:).. hope you like, I assume any modeler would:)

  3. William,

    Your absolutely right, its a shame to see some guys intentions questioned so much, but with good reason they are questioned... as far as his litigious side? that could only be explored if he could convince some lawyer to do pro bono work for him, (which he is continually looking for), and slander has to be untrue, I don't think anyone has said anything that isn't true have they? Besides, his first legal action according to him would be to sue the guy that owns the car, because again, according to him, he should be able to restore and show the car himself.... ?

    BTW, he paid me, I have no personal beef with the guy.. only personal knowledge of how he does business.

    If you have not followed the Steve Scott story for very long it may seem that people are a bit harsh on him, but for anyone that has followed it, it is obvious that the guy is not always genuine.

    If your looking at the $50 as you would the lottery, that's totally cool... good luck, new and improved uncertain T kits would be a very cool thing to win.

    Jeff Allison :)

  4. Thanks for all the kind compliments fellas... and I have had a few PMs asking me to show more so, here is some more.

    I did this one for Round 2 a few years ago, they needed a piece of art to have a certain look so it would match other boxes they had. It was for a 1/25 slot car... They don't/cant pay much for art but I did it anyway because I have always wanted to do Box art... and hope I will get the chance to do some more for them in the future:)


  5. Anybody that knows anything, knows that:)... somehow he has conned 200 folks into giving him $5000 so far though... for an imaginary kit that will possibly be available sometime after next July at the earliest (never)... so far with out producing a single thing, and by his own admission with out even having the knowledge to produce anything he has made a pretty fair amount of cash.

    Steve Scott has been one of the most entertaining shows on the interwebs for awhile now and I can't wait to see how this episode ends.

    I suspect what happens is around this time next year Steve disappears again, forever. He has taken too much money now and by the time its clear that he can not produce what he has been selling, folks are going to start asking for a refund... and he will have already spent everyone's money.... and that will be the last anyone hears from Steve Scott

  6. Actually, they put that same Corvair transaxle into early Tempests and Lemans, turned backwards and with a Pontiac 4 or V8 up front.. very screwy set-up... you can climb under the thing while its running and watch the torque converter going around on what looks like a rear end... it has a crazy non-linear driveshaft between the trans-axle and engine.... if you have never investigated this check it out, its interesting if nothing else:)

  7. I had a '64 Monza about 15 years ago and loved it, I have considered several and would own another 'vair for sure... For anyone that has ever driven one, they feel like they are on rails they handle so well.... right up to a certain point when the body roll and axle angle do something odd that feels like having your legs kicked out from under you.... That is the real problem, they are deceptive. But there is and has been ways to correct that since they were introduced.

    The common old school fix is to weld a chain from point A to point B that stops the swing axle from moving downward too far. Then when you hit the corner and one side dives it doesn't pick the other wheel up so much, and keeps the wheel with pressure on it planted so you don't get that rear end swing out that is the problem... not that much different than a swing axle bug really, but more weight and horsepower just make it a little more unforgiving.

    I always wanted to build something like this, even more dangerous:).. they use to sell a V8 conversion, the transaxle would be flipped and the motor sat behind the passengers instead of behind the rear wheels.. rework the body with a Gran Sport Corvette treatment and presto!!! Gran Sport Corvair.


  8. Hi Pharhoa

    Yes, I used to post art on there quite a bit.. Whatever Ryan did when he changed the system though seemed to make it really slow, and I haven't really posted much on there since. Plus when I've under contract to Mattel for almost a year so not much of what I have been creating can be shared:(.. been busy lately though!!! look for the next Speedway catalog, first art cover they have done in about 25 years... and check out the Hot Wheels in Walmart (they have gotten them first I guess).. The new StarWars cars are some of what Ive been working on.. in the first release the R2 is one of my designs, and it looks it:) the only "bubble top" in the whole up coming line up.

    Here is another model friendly design of mine, this one I sell on a T-shirt but you can clearly see where the idea comes from:)


  9. I completely agree... he should have as much right as anyone else to do resin (or injection if that is what he says) kits of his former car like all the other folks doing that kind of thing.. my only thought is that it seems very disingenuine to be even talking about doing that after he has made so many allegations against anyone doing anything even remotely similar. I genuinely hope the folks giving him money see something in return for it, but from I have read about his plan on how this is going to happen... it is seriously flawed.

    Laying out a phony "empty" new model box is one thing, filling it with an all new real model kit is something else completely. :-)

  10. Trust me William, he doesn't have any money, let alone the kind of money it takes to make a new kit. He sold one kit to a guy I personally know, for less than a grand, the other 2 went for much less .... I too have talked with him several times, and "level headed" is not the feeling I ever got from him.

    here are a few things to also consider about this new scam he has going... as he has many times himself pointed out, the Aussie guys are ripping off Monogram, not Steve Scott.. so if he ever did actually create a new kit, he too would be ripping off Monogram (which I'm sure would be more than happy to send out the "cease and desist" to him) ... Steve does not own the car, does not own the name, and does not own the rights... he is quick to proclaim on line some kind of "copyright" he supposedly has but when pressed privately he will finally admit he has nothing, not a copyright, not a patent, and not a trademark.... if you have given him money you may as well have thrown it away.

  11. haha... yes, after asking for it he reluctantly did pay me for the image... but then tried to modify it into more images (with out my logo on them) . He was having some company direct to garment printing them 1 at a time, in Texas I think??? so he no money invested in any stock... same thing he was going to try with the hats but there simply in no possible way to embroider this kind of image with any quality in it.. a print may have worked.... and yes, he did refund me back the $26 I paid for the hat...

    .... It is too bad because I always loved that car, and would truly liked to have been able to help the guy out (like many others Im sure). He is shyster though.... and as many have already said, the begging for money and sponsorships and free attorney's to sue people over things he would have no case for anyway, wears thin quick. There is obviously a good reason why the current owner of the car wants nothing to do with him.... I suspect someday soon though, the real car is going to resurface.. or at least a few pictures of it:)

  12. Here is one of the images I put together for him when he first popped up... funny enough, a month ago after I questioned him about how he could possibly be having this image embroidered on hats (after I bought one), he confessed that he didn't actually have any finished hats and that they hadn't figured out how to even embroider it on hat... the last scam he was trying, selling hats that didn't exist and never would.

    After having a fit, because I told him he was going about his new public relations all wrong if he wanted to sell any merch, he pulled the design down... which is good for me:)... and since I have seen that he has pulled all the rest down too.

    For any of you guys that love the kit though, this image was designed with you in mind:)


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