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Posts posted by Shambles

  1. I got side tracked on some other projects last week, but I'm back on this one and the Louise Smith '49 Ford this weekend. The Joe Weatherly decals came in from SlotCarFever.com, and I'm moving along today. This old kit didn't come with a "racing" option so I'm winging it with some parts from my stash box. I've got a whole bag full of roll bars so I fit one through the rear seat cover. Primed yesterday, and first coats of Model Master white this afternoon. It's in the drying booth while I watch the rest of the Martinsville race.






  2. 55 minutes ago, Can-Con said:

    David, are you absolutely sure that body is 1/24 and not 1/25? 

    Like Stu says above, it's probably and I'm 99% sure of this, it's probably based on the MPC '67 annual. 

    I just measured my original , from tip of front fender to tip of rear fender on the ridge that runs the length of the body. Without bumpers, it measures almost exactly 22 cm.

    If yours does also, it's 1/25. 

    The guy you bought it from may have told you it's 1/24 but he may not know the difference either.

    David, very cool project. Love me some Pontiacs!  Years ago, I had an argument with a model seller that said 1:24 and 1:25 were the same. I sent him photos of two of my built Mustangs, side-by-side, one 1:24 and one 1:25, and the argument was over. I ain't done many resins but the one or two I did referenced existing kits for donors.

  3. On 8/26/2019 at 11:23 PM, Dave Ambrose said:

    We use advertising income to pay the bills on the servers and for software maintenance. We've been seeing declining ad revenue, and I'm wondering if it's because more of our users have ad blockers on their browsers.

    As I learned in my first marketing course in college, "nothing happens until somebody sells something".

  4. Another ambitious project, I found this old screw-bottom, curbside AMT built up convertible in fair shape on eBay. I loved the 50s and 60s nascar when they used to run convertibles. I put this one in the freezer for a few days, then disassembled it, and put in in the stripper this afternoon. I just found a photo of Joe Weatherly's 1960 Ford Convertible #12. SlotcarFever has the decals so I'm ordering them.


  5. Another ambitious project, I found this old built up convertible on eBay. I loved the 50s and 60s nascar when they used to run convertibles. I put this one in the freezer for a few days, then disassembled it, and put in in the stripper this afternoon. I just found a photo of Joe Weatherly's 1960 Ford Convertible #12. SlotcarFever has the decals so I'm ordering them.




  6. 12 hours ago, Straightliner59 said:

    John, that is exactly how Paeth did it! This site has it available in several quantities.  http://www.whimsie.com/toolingfoilcoppermetal.html

    It's known as "tooling" or "embossing" foil. It is also available in actual brass and copper, as well. I saw some on Ebay that is 38 ga. which might work even easier. I only saw it in longer rolls, at a much greater price. The stuff I have comes in a yellow tube. The foil is 12" wide and 36" long. I must have gone nuts, at some point, because I have 3+ rolls of the stuff! If you were in my neighborhood, I'd say swing on by and I'll give you one of them! ?

    Thanks, Daniel. I've bookmarked that site and will check it out later today.

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