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Scott Lynch

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Posts posted by Scott Lynch

  1. No rush, just didn't want to miss it.

    I can certainly understand the resolution issues. I am counting on Adobe, and high speed to have this fixed in about ten years. (price would be a good beginning ). If it wasn't for my business, I would probably be on dial up using some free photo sharing software I got free with a replacement ink cartridge.

    I can only imagine what you have tied up in software.

  2. Our local race track (in Albuquerque,NM) will be having a model contest coming this season. I was looking for a bunch of Polar Lights herbie love bug kits to hand out to the kids to build like some of the cars that race there. (they have an asphalt slug bug division). Any idea on where I can find some in bulk? or where I can find some reasonably priced other than ebay?

  3. Was just reading about the O rings in the airbrushes. Over several years I have learned a few things. And here is what I have found. The badger, Blue Point, and Thayer Chandler "Vega" all have air valves with rubber seals that can be unscrewed before soaking the airbrush in lacquer thinner if thats the case. The Badger, Blue point, and Vega take the same fitting. Dont remove the core, remove the fitting with plyers by turning the teeth on the shaft next to where you screw the hose on.(if this makes any sense) The only other O ring I have found in these is the one at the nozzle on the Vega. I might add that the Badgers, and Blue Points (identical airbrushes, different companys) clog at the tip and have to be cleaned often. The cheaper Vega seemed to be a better airbrush. The Pasche you have to remove the core. Iwata airbrushes, The one I use for the models has a Teflon seal and no worries with lacquer thinner, model, or automotive paints. That was a big selling point for me. This is something fairly new. Just remember never use any bleach around these, it attacks brass like crazy.

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