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Superbird McMonte

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    Mickey Dominick Gerace

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  • Full Name
    Dominick Gerace

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Wish I had seen this earlier, as I could have offered you the Pontiac 2+2 NASCAR as a donor for the window and deck. I think that is what was used in the rendering. Although I personally like the Monte glass better. Nice work! I’m looking forward to seeing this done.
  2. Very cool! What yellow did you use?
  3. That’s awesome! Looking forward to seeing it done!
  4. Is that the Monogram kit? It’s coming along fantastic!
  5. This is going to be very interesting! I’ll be watching.
  6. I may have to make a batch. I’ll let you know when I have everything.
  7. 1/25th scale, it is sized to work with the 68/69 Revell Chargers
  8. I should have some engine bay updates soon!?
  9. I have the same 3D kit. I won’t get to building mine anytime soon. I’ll be interested in how this works out.?
  10. This is a project I had planned to do at a LIARS club theme contest. Cars from songs. Started but never finished. I agree the best body is the Revell snap kit.
  11. That’s a lot of quotes! I am getting a female West Highland White Terrier in a month. We picked out the name Leeloo! Ironically, she has an orange spot on her to identify her from her litter mates! Like Leeloo’s orange hair! My daughter pointed that out.
  12. Decal time! These decals are of my own creation. The Plymouth lettering would end up getting replaced with fresh printed decals, and two layers. Working drawing for the horn decal.
  13. This is a great build and a great kit! The work you are putting in reminded my of a long stalled project of my 1970 Monte Carlo. I created a nice non-AC heater box.
  14. Thanks! Yes, it’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it! LOL
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