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Model Cars Magazine Forum

Chris Evans

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Posts posted by Chris Evans

  1. I think it's going to be around 98 here in NC today, the problem like Harry said the humidity will be like 75 percent or more. I mowed my back yard yesterday which is a 20 min job I was soaking wet, I also got a little dizzy one min I was fine the next the ground was spinning, got to be careful out there.

    model-a Chris,

  2. I hope I didn't make anyone mad by asking this question, the reason I asked was just to get a idea about how long it took to build a model. I remember way back years ago I could put one together in a day of course it looked like it also, I have five kids and 6 grand kids and they all have different likes, cars, trucks, fire trucks,airplanes, motorcycles, and on and on. I have gone thru some rough times in the last few years and I'm not able to work,first it was cancer then 15 long months of Chemotherapy, then it was about five years of kidney stones not fun, then a foot surgery that took 13 months in a cast. Last year I had both hips replaced, so needless to say I lost my job during all this, so that's kinda why I turned back to the hobby and I plan on building a model for each kid for there Birthday. So this is why I asked the question, it may take me a while but I need to keep busy and this awesome hobby will do just that. Ok guys sorry I got carried away I do want to say I'm glad I found this forum it has really got my interest in the hobby going again, and you guys are very helpful Thanks.


  3. Boy being out of the hobby for so long is kinda pricey getting started again, I don't mean to be a complainer is there a way to buy materials like paint somewhere and get a good assortment of colors. Thanks guys, by the way been on the forum for about a week and you guys are some talented modelers and all of you are very helpful, and no one seams to mind my dumb questions LOL thanks.



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