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Ed Dingo

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Posts posted by Ed Dingo

  1. I had gotten my April order in mid October. A '67 Impala wagon and a '68 Impala SS427, plus some small parts. I placed an order in mid May, June, and just before they closed their doors in July. No May order yet, that's ok cuz I have some projects on the table (literally, my kitchen table). I tried to cover missing parts for my older cars, mostly from memory. I might be in trouble there. Retired and on SS, money doesn't stretch like it used to.



















    i triecf

  2. I concur, Jeff. I sent in my final order 2 weeks ago and was sorta surprised at the total. I started paring it down. Failed there. The parts I ordered were to replace missing ones, worn ones, etc. Will I ever finish the cars and use up the parts ordered? I hope to hell I will. If for some reason not, then at least they will be complete for the next person. Wish I could have done this years back. Got a supply of small bags and started labeling the resin and aftermarket parts and extras I have accumulated over the past few years. Macomb is great for picking up stuff too, now to organize it all so when parts A arrive, I can place them with car A, and so on. No hurried hunting. No speculative purchasing here, just trying to complete the incomplete.

  3. Well I missed out on getting in my last couple of large parts orders. Did get a large mail in order sent in June and 2 online orders placed in May. I have a large amount of restorable built ups and other resin kits I have been trying to complete before they closed. I used to order the parts as I started to rebuild a model or add wheels/tires or other parts to resin kits from other manufacturers that didn't include them. Even have some older Modelhaus kits that did not include all stock parts.

    Although I may not build all of them I at least wanted to make them complete, since w/o Modelhaus trying to find the needed parts will be much more difficult. The cost of the parts needed to complete the kits/builts that I've ordered is more than the difference I could sell them for. I wanted to make them complete rather than possibly offer them with missing parts or unrestorable parts. I have lots of parts to send out for plating but still come up short. May have to try casting parts but what I need will need plating so that will be difficult.

    I will miss Modelhaus having been a regular customer since the 80's and they very much deserve to enjoy a well earned retirement. Hope they take a very nice cruise or vacation, buy a nice classic car, lakeside vacation home, or do whatever they want with the overtime income prior to closing.

    As for out of production profit, check out the WIngnut Wings website for 1/32 WWI airplane kits and then look at the selling price of their discontinued kits on Ebay. Kit prices more than double as soon as the kit goes out of production - and all sell. Supply and Demand is all it takes.




  4. I have not purchased anything from them in quite a few years. When I was buying it was fast and the stuff was nice. When I heard he bought a hobby shop and his resin business was suffering I have not bought anything since or heard anything good since then.

    If this is any indicator of the demand for his stuff. When it does show up on eBay it sells for way more than he was asking. I recently watched a 68 GS 400 sell for almost $300!

    $300 for the '68 GS 400? I picked up two of them 5 years ago or so, for $25 EACH!!! Unbuilt, will have to put them in the wife's china/crystal cabinet now!!!

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