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Waste Land

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Posts posted by Waste Land

  1. My cousin has found the car of his dreams(within price range) a perfect clean 02 GT witht he dark grey/charcoal paint. However he cant afford it even with his money saved. For his Bday his parents are paying the diff and giving it to him.

    Id really like to build him a scaled model to go with it to stick on his shelf with other pre-built models he has.

    Do they even make a 99-04 Mustang model? I've looked and I'm coming up short.

  2. I feal like an idiot. I thought pearl was a solid and I just had some crappy paint again. First I tried painting it just solid green "Green Gloss" from MM as a fact and it wanted to do the same thing.

    I eventually went with a Tamiya greeb mixed with a touch of Tam thinner and a dab Future. Waited 24 hours and did a future brush on. Came out really well

  3. For some reason....Shelby Cobras plauge me. I bought one back in 2002 to build when i just started(the 2nd gen body style) and ended up stomping it and quitting the hobby.

    Coming back with some age and steady hands I bought a Revell Shelby Cobra 427. I wanted to go with the dark green/green pearl on the box since it was diffrent.

    For what ever reason I cannot make green paint work. It seems they are all too....watery and clear. I know I'm using acrylic but thats all I spray with and everything else comes out wonderfull.

    I tried spraying it directly from bottle(Model MAster) and tried it with some thinner....no matter how i work it, it wants to go on a "clear" paint but its not.......I've tried 3 diffrent colors with all the same effect.

    Should I be using a diffrent primer for green?

    Anyone know what the hell is going on?

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