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Posts posted by scaleautobuilder

  1. :) This is probably going to upset some people and if it does - please understand that it is not meant to do so. But it is something that I think needs to be said...

    With all due respect to everyone and in all fairness to the resin casting people - it's easy to be an armchair quarterback when it comes to criticizing resin cast models but IMHO, I think that some of you guys are way too hard on the casters. We should be grateful that someone is even attempting to produce models of cars and trucks that otherwise would be forgotten and only be wished for. If we see a product that could use some tweaking ( like the bumpers on this Pontiac ) then we can mention it to the caster and if he chooses to improve upon the model or not, then that is his business. As was done here, some friendly suggestions resulted in a fix - probably a much more difficult project than most of us realize.

    I would like to believe that these people do their best to produce a product that is as good as they can make it and the huge majority of these people are pretty honest and they work hard to give us what we want. When this kit was announced, the posts were all gaga about it - now that it's here - it seems to me like some of you guys are being pretty hard on Steve, especially given the fact that he seems to be trying to fix what you see as wrong. It's a resin kit for crying out loud and they ALL need some work - some more so than others. I suggest that maybe some encouraging words may go a long ways towards fixing any issues that you see in the kit as well as perhaps having people like him Steve step out and give us some more unusual, neat stuff. My hat is off to these people for doing their best - and thank you to every caster for your efforts.

    As builders, we should recognize where our limits are as builders - what our skill levels are - and while we should always strive to do better, we shouldn't bite off more than we can chew when it comes to buying projects. It's OK to buy a product and then if it is too daunting at that time, set it on the shelf until you feel that you are able to tackle the job and do so with some degree of success. I've seen some miracles performed with resin kits that people said were garbage and I know that the people who do take and make a silk purse out of a sow's ear are way beyond anything that I could do. It's a lot easier to criticize and point fingers than it is to produce something like this Pontiac. I figure that if I don't like it, then I'm best to keep my opinions to myself and say nothing. Thanks Steve - your efforts are appreciated. :):):)

    AMEN brother.....

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