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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. 15 hours ago, Steamboat said:

    I remember an article in Hot Rod about a drag car with side by side engines in the back seat.  It's wider there because you don't have to deal with the wheels.  The car apparently didn't run well though. 

    That's super cool! I saw one about a late 2000s SS impala both a 5.3l upfront and one where the rear seats yous to be making it a double engine AWD SS impala. Thought it was pretty neat, ang perhaps gave me some ideas for future projects.

  2. 16 hours ago, Misha said:

    Glad to se that that you are building your losses Johnny! It’s a chance to further improve your previous builds, plus it’s such a great combo. Will you be building a trailer as well?

    Be following, cheers Misha

    Couldn't agree more! Iv been slowly collecting the lost kits over the years, many of them I built with my dad when I was alot younger, it's nice that in some way im getting them back.

    And yes I think it would be awesome to build a trailer for it. When I originally built the kits some years ago, the objective was to attach a trailer however I was less experienced and deemed it beyond my abilities. The trailer for my Datsun and C4 Tiger combo went well, and i'm hoping that I can build this one with a bit more pazzaz, perhaps adding some lights, steps, or a toolbox.

  3. 20 hours ago, Steamboat said:

    Way cool! 

    I wouldn't want to change the spark plugs on the inside banks though!

    Thanks! There's not even enough room for exhaust headers! Even while building the car it therwas so little room you could wedge the engine between the fire wall and the rad, and without glueing it it wouldne even fall apart, infact the engine doesn't even touch the chassis!

  4.   Now it sadly doesn't say "Cant see squat" on the side due to some errors in making the decal, but it still looks good.

      This is a crazy, tubed out, mean looking machine! Complete with Twin engine V8s, Custom built wheelie bar, and rollcage!

      I bought this kit for a steal a few months back. Naturally wanting to do something crazy, I took the twin engine setup out of an old parts box, AMT 3 in 1 double dragster kit. The engines are originally supposed to be chevy engines, however the detail on them is so basic they could pass as ford engines. Whomever previously owned this before already tubed out the rear end, with these huge abused rear slicks, and the way it was tubed out I found myself fixing what I could while having to deal with the choppy slicks in the rear.

     The rollcage, dashboard and parachute lever was made from styreene, as well as the tunnel ram intakes (under the superchargers) most of the engine accessories, the wheelie bar, hood hinges, and parachute, all being made from styreene, with the front windshield being replaced after breaking the original. With everything just nearly fitting by the time I was done!

      This has turned out to be a fun and interesting project. Hope you all enjoy it.


    Build link:


  5.   So for those of you who dont know, I yous to display my model cars at my local hobby shop for a number of years. That was untill the owner of said hobby shop packed up his things and dissapeared overnight without notice, leaving the land owner to clean the shop out unaware that many if not all the kits on display were owned by local model builders. Needless to say alot was thrown out, sold, or picked up by the worker cleaning the place. I ended up loosing 8 kits, one of them being a general Lee. However to be brutally honest alot of them weren't as good as what i can do now, I was just starting out back then.

      One of the kits I put in there only about a month before, was a peril white, mettalic blue Malco Gasser, with a matching 55 Chevy pickup (tow truck) the two kits were probably the best two kits I ended up loosing, however the builds were pretty basic in detail, the gasser was missing the wheelie bar, i didn't have a trailer for the truck, and i ended up getting a scratch of glue on the gasser windshield. 

      So being the best two kits I lost, and the two kits being "incomplete" when I lost them, iv decided to redo them. Iv bought both the Malco Gasser as well as the 55 pickup, and my plan is to redo them but better. 








  6. So just about done, made a new windshield as best I could, everything glued in and ready. I desperately wanted too put the "cant see squat" across the side in big letters however the way i made the decals made the yellow more or less transparent, so for now I'm finishing it and in the future I'm going to research these custom decals a bit more and maybe invest myself in a printer that can print in colour. The only other number was that the Moroso decals I acquired happened to be to big for the cylender heads, and the drive belt idea didn't fit due to how crammed the whole engines became to fit. Regardless I'm happy the way its turned out for now, and I think it's now worthy of the display cabinet.





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