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About wayne00

  • Birthday 09/20/1959

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24 - 1/25

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  • Full Name
    Roger W. Adams

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    Roger Adams

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  1. Is this what you are looking for? https://www.shapeways.com/product/XWKQJYPJY/1-24-spm-24-004-pintle-hook?optionId=301073162&li=marketplace Shapeways has several different styles just search for “Pintle Hooks”. ST Supply for chains/binders. https://stsupplyco.com/search?q=chain&type=product%2Ccollection%2Carticle%2Cpage&options[unavailable_products]=show&options[prefix]=last Rog😁
  2. I have used them on several builds, they don’t seem to be to thick to me. I used the microsol/set solutions with no issues. They settle around details very well, if you have deep panel lines or body separations you will have to let them dry, slit the film and reapply thr solution Rog😄
  3. Yes, as long as you are a member of the forum you can vote. Your welcome, I didn’t mind doing it. It’s not really a pain, the main problem I had was remembering to keep the entry list updated. You just have to start an official sign up thread with the rules listed. Ask the mods to pin it and give you extended editing privileges. Update the the list as people sign up. As builds were finished I added a link to there under glass topic. The most time consuming thing was compiling all the links to under glass threads and pictures and building the voting poll. I’m not very fast and t only took me about an hour and a half. Rog😁
  4. Thanks for the vote of confidence!! After following the builds all year long and tracking how good all these trucks were I was actually not very confident that I would get any votes. So I had to make sure I got at least one. Seriously, After going through all of the builds, as I was getting everything ready for the vote thread, is when it hit me just how good all of the entries actually were!!! In my opinion the 13 other entries are some of the best trucks to appear on this forum. It just still irks me that the voting participation was so low. Rog😁
  5. I really enjoyed this build. Of course I voted for myself in the BRBO. If it wasn’t for that this would have gotten my vote. Rog😁
  6. And we have a WINNER!!! Congratulations to Dutzie!! He now has bragging rights for the year His IH Cabover, Lowboy trailer & Cat was an excellent build. I want to thank everyone that participated, the quality of this year's line-up was over the top. The only disappointment in this whole process was that this vote thread had almost 500 views and only 45 total votes. I can only hope that in the future this forum will start to show the BIG RIG guys a modicum of support, The time, skill and dedication put into these builds plus the high quality of the results is as much if not more than any other niche on the board!!! Rant over. Thanks Rog😁
  7. Please head over to the Under Glass section and vote for your favorite build. Thanks Rog😁
  8. Please head over to the Under Glass section and vote for your favorite build. Thanks Rog😁
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