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Posts posted by Nate

  1. Thanks for all the kind words everyone. He's already started to think about the next build. His 7 yr old older brother is also.

    His next one will be more independent. Hopefully we can do a snap together or something so he can handle it all on his own. That is, if I can resist "helping", LOL.

  2. I started building a 1989 Batmobile with my 5 year old son. The kit was given to us by evilbenny, a fellow member of the Metroplex Car Modeler's Association (MCMA). The kit was missing the wheels and tires, which were generously supplied by some members of this forum. Thanks again to midknightprowler and afx for you help.

    Here's the kit:



    Here's what we've done so far - glued in the interior and painted the wheels:





    The boys like the gold-ish wheels shown on the side panel of the box, so we painted the wheels Model Master bronze and will black-wash it next.

    They don't want to paint anything, so it'll be faster. At one point I was scraping off some flash and my son said "Daddy, I don't want it to be too pretty" meaning I was taking too long, LOL.

    When we get ready to build he'll go get everything and carry it to the kitchen table, which is big enough for us to all have access to the kit while building. He's pretty motivated.

  3. Thanks for the info. I was going through my kits looking at which engines I wasn't planning to use, thinking about what might be good to back up the C5 and C6 LS's that I plan to swap into various projects. Would the transmissions from the 06 based Mustangs be good? They look pretty nice, detail wise and I don't plan to use those engines now that the Coyote 5.0 is out.

  4. Which wheels do you want to use? The kit supplied steel wheels, or the kit supplied torque thrusts? The torque thrusts will be too wide for those AMT tires.

    FYI, the torque thrust wheels and tires are 2 different sizes. The smaller ones go in the front. In your photos above it looks like you have the smaller wheels on the back.

    Here's a photo of an in-progress build I have using that same chassis and wheels and tires:


    Also, you might need to remove the inner fender skirting. It's how most full sized truck guys get theirs to sit super low.


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