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Mark Haynes

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Posts posted by Mark Haynes

  1. Wow that is impressive, I would really like to have one of those. I have wanted to do some sort of computer art and that looks like the ticket. I am not that knowledgeable about this stuff though. Does it come with software, or would you need something like photoshop?

    I have been away from this site for awhile, busy with this and that. Trying to find time for my art and some modeling.

  2. Thanks Guys, If you guys get one up and going I sure would love to buy one or two of them. I am a big Pontiac Fan, I own a 1978 Trans Am and a 1974 Trans Am. I haven't built many models since I have little kids, but I do alot of artwork, particularly Pontiac Stuff.

    Here is a pic of a sketch of a Can Am that I did.


    Please keep me posted on the Can Am, I know the Pontiac crowd would love these.

  3. That is an awesome watercolor! WOW! I love it.

    I'm a huge 2nd gen fan as well having owned a 73 and 74 SD-455 along with a 72 Lucerne Blue 455 4 spd car. I've also owned a 76 and 79 Trans Am.

    I'm 2nd genless now, but with three boys and life. I'll have to wait.

    Great painting! I think you could probably sell a few of those if you were able to lithograph them or something similar.


    Thanks Chris, I did actually do 50 signed and numbered prints. They are available for at my websight:


    I don't charge much, $15.00 shipped as mainly it is a hobby for now and I am looking to grow my art recognition.

    Man those are some awesome car's you have owned over the years, for some reason it seems like I have seen your name on some of the Trans Am websights before, did you ever post at Steve Buttita's old forum?

    I know how kids are expensive. My 78 Trans Am I have owned for 20 years since I was a teenager and its like part of the family. My 74 is kinda a project Trans Am that awaits my wife returning to work when our youngest is in school. A couple years ago I bought a 22,000 W72 4 speed 79 Trans Am that was absolutely Like new, but I couldn't justify keeping it with family needs so it made it's way to ebay.

    Still waiting to become a bigtime artist or some good Lotto Numbers. :P

  4. Hey Guy's, I haven't posted in awhile, my house sold and I have been moving my family and trying to build a new house....dang kids and all there toys...gotta have somewhere to put them. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I thought I would share this with you guy's. I am a big 2nd Gen Trans Am fan and actually own 2 of them, a 1978 and 1974 model. This is a watercolor I just finished featuring 2nd Gen Birds from different movies and TV shows. let me know what you think.


  5. I appreciate all the imput on this, I really know nothing about it. I am really wanting to learn and I am starting to do some research, but I figure the best thing is to get good advice from people that use it.

  6. Hi all, I have always been an old school pencil and brush artist, but I am really wanting to try my hand at photoshop and illustrator.

    I don't know where to start. Where is the best place to buy and such? I know it is expensive. What about the pressure pads I think they are called. I can't really draw with a mouse so I am real interested in any advice on those too.

    Any help or helpful links appreciated.


  7. Let me tell you, I could have bought a lot of model kits with what I paid for this, but I have never regretted it. It may well be the only time in my life that I buy such a fine piece of automotive art.


    The artists name is Nicholas Watts. It's the Porsche 911 EVO from the late nintees. The painting is signed by the artist; numbered, and also signed by all the drivers of this car, complete with photographs of them during the signing!

    Guess where I have it?

    (shamefully hands head) It's not. It's in the basement, on the floor, leaning up against a pile of model kits.

    I have GOT to hang that up over my work bench once again!

    That is a simply great piece of art though...I love it. I have a couple great art pieces that are against the wall in my garage. My wife just hasn't warmed up to car art yet. :lol:

  8. I dug out my old Prismacolor pencils and did this sketch of a 1977 Pontiac Can Am, one of those odd ball cars that I love. After a 10 year hiatus from drawing and painting, I am slowly getting my mojo back, but I am real interested in new art supplies and doing some air brush and some Photoshop because seeing all the new work around here really inspires me.


  9. Nice work Harry! Looks like that paint job would be a delight to see, and feel, in person at a car show--unless you had one of those 'do not touch, unless you're naked' signs on it :)

    WOW Harry, That is absolutely fantastic!!!! It just jumps off the page. I want to try some computer programs for my art, I want to do some air brush too, I have never done anything outside a brush and a pencil.

    A good friend of mine named Kevin Morgan is really great at computer stuff. He did a concept Trans Am that has been in several magazine's.


  10. Wow, that is amazing, you do amazing detail. I haven't done a pencil drawing in years. I pick up alot of techniques from other artist like yourself.

  11. Thanks Guys, I was blown away by the excellent artwork here. I am glad to find a place to share my automotive art.

    I was a huge Harry Gant fan and I have a few models I built of his early 80's car's, I will post some up when I get moved, trying to sell my house now so they are boxed all up. :mellow:

  12. Hi, My name is Mark Haynes. I have been looking for some automotive art forums and this one is really great. I am love building models and will post a few of those when I get a chance.

    I am a big 2nd Gen Trans Am enthusiast and serve as a moderator of a site called www.transamcountry.com

    Here are some of my watercolor works and pencil drawing. I just recently got back into painting after a 10 year hiatus. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from other members, there are some fantastic artist here.











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