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    Gregg Hutchings

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. until
    The Last GSL May 4-7, 2023. Sheraton Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah. As of today, 1/27/23, all rooms are booked, look for more hotel info soon: http://www.gslchampionship.org
  2. Quote



     Could you please REMOVE FROM THE WANTED THREAD:   "DOBLE DRASTER HEMI Complete" as I have received the parts from an  S. PAYNE .  I just don't know where I can contact him, I don't think he's on this site ?

    Thank you,

    Pete Linszky

  3. I was sent an email (Thanks, Bob!) to let me know that some of the contacts in the old MCM Club Directory page were way out of date. Iʻve taken that link down, and if we can get updates on the contacts for the clubs, hopefully we can get that club directory updated, complete with my first ever GIF linked map! Thanks. Donʻt post updates here yet, just wanted to let it be known that the original page has been removed, and will be updated. Have to figure out how to do this so that there is some rhyme or reason to it.
  4. Here's a quick update above from what I have posted on Facebook: The next two surgeries will be done on two days (for example, a Thursday and a Friday). First surgery will be through the front. A thoracic surgeon will assist with the procedure along with a vascular surgeon. They will have to break two ribs to get to the thoracic area (T12-T10). They will remove the disc(s), and either fuse or attach hardware to the vertebrae. The next day, the posterior lumbar surgery will include removing the existing rods, from L1-L5, and extending it up to and including T-10. My other doc will decide whether or not to remove the Spinal Stimulator that was implanted in February 2019. I will probably be completely down for a month or so, and then slowly get back up to "normal." We are looking at probably at least a couple of months. We are going to have to get some full-time nurses here to take over what I do during the day (Adult DayCare Provider for wife's two parents), and for myself for a short time. Plus, get the insurance companies to finally agree on coughing up some of that gabillion dollars they don't want to pay out. I'm finishing up Slot Cars #8, thanks to my new bestie friend who is really helping out with my terrible layouts, and Model Cars #207 is being nit-picked. I need to get replacement or new writers for all the columns that have lost their writers. As you may know, Wayne Moyer was with me from Day 1, and even before. We need to look at either getting someone to help with that part of the mag, Collector's/Diecast, or adapting it, which is happening for this issue right now. Also need to get my arse in gear and get the working editorial calendar in place, so everyone knows what is what, when is when, etc. Why I am getting so worked up now for the rest of the issues coming up? With this surgery, it will be the end. Either the end of all my troubles dealing with not being able to sit up and work, or quite literally, THE END. A lot of friends have given me their behind the scenes look at what they had during the same types of surgeries, so although I'm scared kaka-less, I know that I'll be in good hands, and it's going to work out fine. If not, anyone want to buy a magazine from my widow? JUST KIDDING. Geeez, I still have a cents of huemore, don't sew me... YES, TYPOS.... MISTEAKS..... It's the way I cope, and I'm sticking to that story... So, one, or two, more scalpels, and that's it, nothing to hold me back, no more insurance worries, just everything settled, and time to get caught up, take care of all the past that needs to be paid and caught up, and save for the future. If this sounds vague, sorry, but hopefully it makes some cents (hint in that last word).
  5. Gregg,

    I have tried to e-mail you (maybe an old email gregg@modelcarsmag.com) and through Facebook, but never get an answer.

    I was sent 20 copies of Issue #206, but have never gotten an invoice for them. Normally invoice is sent and paid before product is shipped. I realize that they are printed and shipped from the mainland and not Hawaii, but still, I have yet to get an invoice for them.

    So, if you can, send me a Paypal invoice for 20 hobby shop copies of Issue #206 to scott@elmcityhobbies.com.

    I am in Canada, but they are shipped to my US PO Box (so US pricing for the magazine and shipping, not Canadian).

    Really don't want to get behind on these as far as payment goes, as I am sure you would like some money incoming as well.



    Elm City Hobbies

  6. Email me your address, I do have you listed, in Luisville, KY
  7. Sorry, just saw this post. One of the highlights of my earlier "tours" was the shop tour I did of Fred Cady's shop/house. I am still in awe not only of the work that Fred has done over the years (all by hand), but his house and shop is amazing! I am an avid architecture fan, my dad was an architect here in Hawai'i, and have been a Frank Lloyd Wright fan, and member of the foundation, for many years. Now Fred's house may not be a FLW house, but that is the first thing I thought of when I was there! I still have some of the photos that I snuck while upstairs, I only took photos of his shop for the "In The Studio" article I did on Fred Cady Decals, way back when. I have probably looked at those photos over a dozen times just in the past year or two, I love his house!!! And as for Fred, not a nicer guy will you ever meet!
  8. Mike, email me. It should not say last issue on label. Send me a pic of label, if can. Please talk to me via emails.
  9. WOW! You guys are right! Just opened my poly bag with my issue in it. BAD BAD BAD!!!! Something seriously went wrong with the printing of this. I apologize to everyone for this. On my proofs, they were fine. Perfect, in my eyes, but the printed ones. OMG!!! Some were okay, but the ones, well, most of them, OUCH! Okay, this one is on me. Not blaming meds, or anyone else, this is me. I will see what printer says, because the digital proof was okay also. From what I remember in doing the mag in Denver, everything could be adjusted when the press was run. Someone should have seen this. My bad, and letʻs just say things like this makes me do better. No one is perfect, and this is just another stumble along this twenty-year path.
  10. As for the black background, it was a test. Since it was a special show, I tried something something. I have five negatives so far, but I haven't seen my printed copy yet, so maybe it is the actual printing of it. Will I do it again? Maybe for features, or something else. I do like the way it came out, but that's just me, on screen, and doing proofs. Some of them were just amazing.
  11. Thanks, Tom!!! See, I knew I wasn't making this up!!!! I have the USPS manual downloaded, and also have it in sections that applies to me/us. One thing I have a problem with now is with Slot Cars. It's a pending application, and no one here (Hawai'i) can give me a definitive answer, one way or another. Still trying to get that sorted out. Thanks for this, I'm going to copy it into my Power Of Six note/file.
  12. The Power Of Six I can’t count the number of times we have had this complaint: "I haven’t received my issue yet. The hobby shop/friend/or other reader has received their copy or copies, and I have not gotten mine yet. What gives?” We did a test when we had Plastic Fanatic years ago, when we used to mail the magazine from our house, using our bed as the distribution/sorting table. It comes down to The Power of Six. If there are less than six magazines that go to the same post office periodical drop zone (“PDZ”), then they get bundled together with all the other less than six copies/subscribers, and then sent to the main sorting station, which there are usually only one or two per state. Then they get sorted out and hand placed with other slow boat pieces, like those bulk mail junk mail pieces every one gets. If there are six or more, they go to the the nearest PDZ, which there is in almost every city or town. Then they get to your door quickly. Does this make sense? We mapped it out once and did a zone by zone analysis, which is how we ended up with our Power Of Six theory. The local Post Office agreed, but they wouldn’t say so on paper or email. Also note, these are own phrases/descriptions, the 4,000 pound mailing manual may call it something else. Please, re-read the start of this post. I'm trying to find out when the magazines arrive, NOT WHEN THEY DON'T.
  13. Thanks, Randy. I'll start sending out the dealer invoices now, hopefully they will get there by the time the mags get to dealers/shops.
  14. I did contact them once, and it showed up in their "inventory", but I never heard anything back from them. That was many years ago, and left a sour taste in my mouth. They listed it with no further contact with me, no contracts, terms, etc. It was strange. I know that was a while ago, so maybe it will be better this time. Thanks!
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