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Posts posted by jdean

  1. I would suggest, on this kit, you should fill the channel the chrome fits in with styrene, either strips from the hobby store or by utilizing the sprue to keep the material as perfect a match to the body, then sand down the filling plastic to match the contour of the body and fix any high/low spots or other imperfections with a glaze of putty. if your body work was done correctly, you could simply use a high build primer and sand it to perfection and not even use any putty at all.

    Sorry for answering for you, Blair, I've built this car a few times....same car 3 times. It turned out to be one of my best ever builds as customs go.

    I like the style with the smooth sides and wide whites.

    oh, i was thing the strip was raised for the strip, this must be the lindberg kit. thanks

  2. nice builds , I am not a big nascar fan ,altho this past year i watched a lot of them,I have become a Danica Patrick fan. would love to see her win one. would like to build a model of the go daddy if i could find one


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