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Posts posted by Merk

  1. 4 hours ago, Little Timmy said:

    Boats ?

    YES !


    I will build anything , ships offer a different kind of frustration.... errr... I mean FUN...


    Submarines have always been a bit scary with the close quarters and dark waters. Not too bad in scale but years ago I went through the U-505 exhibit at CHICAGO MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. It was tight. There was video of the capture on the high seas. Those guys were tough.

    U-505 Submarine - Museum of Science and Industry (msichicago.org)

    Nice work on the U-217

  2. Hi guys: Had the Mayflower on my mind because we had a discussion on the subject at this weekend's car show. Plymouth had the Mayflower on their cars for years. Had a 48, it had the Mayflower coming at you on the grill, traveling with you on the hood and hubcaps, going away on the taillights.


  3. 2 hours ago, Can-Con said:

    I would think they would go in the "all the rest" section. 

    Hello : I was a bit vague with my opening because I wanted some first impressions on any boat subject.

    Thanks or your thoughts.

    I'm comfortable with categories' as they are.

  4. 4 hours ago, JollySipper said:

    You mean models, right? I've built one to completion (minus rigging) after one failed attempt at another kit.........


    Nice, It's a beauty. I hadn't thought about ships I was thinking trailer boats. Welcome aboard. got me wondering about the difference between a ship and a boat so I Googled it. Everyone agrees a ship is larger than a boat but how large? I Liked Wikipedia definition. " a ship can carry a boat, but a boat can't carry a ship.

    Is that the Mayflower ?

  5. Hello:

    Thanks for the info and interest.

    That's it.

    Not surprised this is a imaginary buggy, it has a cartoon quality to it. I have a few vw buggies built and often search for dune buggy on ebay and these have never come up before so I try again after seeing your responses searching for Bo Weevil and there it is a brand new unbuilt  Bo Weevil. I hit buy it now and both are on there way. I will post some kit pictures after they arrive

    Here is another pic from ebay listing




  6. I used to only buy models manufactured in the USA and then only from local privately owned hobby shops that provide birth control for their employees.


    It has come to my attention that the manufacture and construction of model cars is harmful to the environment and I no longer can in good conscience build another model.

    I beg you all Please stop buying and building models.

    No model ever feed a child.



  7. A few pictures from early in the build. Started with a chunk of maple left over from a guitar build and removed everything but a finned boat. The side trim is .040 plasic gluded on with JB weld then the whole thing is covered with resin. After the resin cures a couple coats of primer sanding between each coat.

  8. drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, Drama, darma, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, Drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, Drama, darma, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, Drama, darma, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, Drama, darma, drama, drama, drama, drama,

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  9. A couple of pictures of the 22JR dragster build.

    The roadster is painted and only needs a few more parts to be done.

    The rail is now in primer.

    The frames looked so good I almost skipped the bodies, now I like the bodies on the frames.

    This is not an exact copy of Tony's cars and I might change the colors and decals a bit.

    Thanks, Merk

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