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Posts posted by justin2020

  1. It is time for my family to move.

    This is were all of you come in. I have three cases full of built models that I need to pack up so we can show the house. Any tips on how to pack them up. Last time I did this 5 out of 8 did not make it without some type of damage.

    Any tips or pointers would be great. Thanks

  2. I'm the Goon in the center.

    This was one of a number of photos taken by a Squid ( a Navy Dude....I was in the Marine Corps so they will always be Squids to me :).....) Combat Correspondant visiting the FARP (Forward Arming & Refueling Point) at FOB (Forward Operating Base) Diamondback outside Mosul, Iraq.

    If you lok close at my Cranial (Helmet thing), you'll see "Horns" I made out of .50 Caliber bullets.

    Moose Morrow, the guy on my right in the pic is holding a 2.75" Rocket, John Loftis is trying to look big :) with a belt of .50 cal ammo, and I'm holding up an M3P .50 cal Machine Gun.


    Please explain to me why a Marine is wearing Army camies. That would have burn my skin to wear those ugly things. Semper Fi!!!

  3. I just built this kit and I to really enjoyed it to. Yours is looking great! I went with light green peral and a white top. Toss in a top chop and some wide white and I you got my version. Keep up the good work!

  4. When I left schoolin '82 I went to work in a body shop, we had a Silver Shadow come in for some body work to be done, and before we could even touch it someone from Rolls had to come out and view each and every bit of work we did, no bondo was to be used it had to be all lead filled, plus, to move it to and from the owners home it was trailered, it had to be under a cover, very anal...

    I guess that I can understand why they do it that way. If I paid that much for a car I would want the best service for the entire life of the car. Maybe I will send them a picture of the final build and see if I get a response.

  5. Here is what I have been up to. First up interior

    I picked out the door panels and the front seat from the parts box. I think they are from the 36 Ford not sure though.


    I am going to cover up the panels with my own design.

    I also filled in the back of the seat.


    Next I was able to find these blue stones that I think scream 1%


    The dash was next to get a update. The dash was from the parts box, some year Corvette.



    Not to sure about this. Tried to make it look more realistic. I hollowed it out then filled it with styrene strips


    That is all for now. Thanks for following along.

  6. Thanks for the kind words all. I am really enjoying this build and it seems to be moving along nicely. I was able to get a little work done this evening. Here goes!

    First I scribes out the new door. I taped it off so that you can see it.


    Next I dumped the winged hood and made it a single. I think I want it to hinge forward.



    Lastly I removed the wood decals on both sides and almost finished off sanding the roof smooth



    I also picked my colors. They will be Testors White Lighting and Tamyia Mica Blue.

    Thanks for looking.

  7. SUPER GROOVY! What kit is that? I want one, since I bought myself the 1:1 '66 I caught "the bug" so to speak, and have been snatching up every "air-cooled" kit I can find!

    That rainbow pearl looks sweet on the chrome, and I love the action shots with the front wheels in the air! From what I have read, it only takes around 175hp to pull the front end off the ground in one of those!

    Sam this is a Zingers kit. Thanks for your other comments!

  8. Awesome. So curiosity sake was the inside of the tailgate intentionally curved? (looks like a makeshift tailgate party chair :) ). Normally they are flat to slide stuff across. If it wasn't intentional, if anyone asks its a seat.

    Artemis1759 to answer your question the tail gate was that way when I pulled it out of the box. I really did not notice until you said something. It is really curved now that I look at it.

  9. The paint and body work look great. But too me it looks ....... too smooth if that makes any sense. You really lost a lot of detail that help break up all that color. The window trim would have been good to leave and the trunk lines as well. This is just my opinion. If you are happy with this look then more power to ya.

    Thanks Jantrix for the tip. I tired five time to get the truck cut in but I was never able to get it right so it was deleted.

    Thank you to everyone else for the comments. the interior is almost complete and I should be able to post them soon.

  10. I think the Rolls looks great.......... still trying to figure out who the heck GrandpaMcGruck is.

    Sorry about that I even checked the spelling before I posted.

    Thank you for all of the nice comments. I am think that I need to pie cut the deck lid to make it a little more stream line. What do you all of you think? Tonight I hope to turn the hood from a two piece to a single piece and a few other things. Does anyone know what it a good fat/wide white wall tire. I do not want to rod my only good set from my Revell 49 Merc.

    Thanks again.

  11. This is a new project that I am working on. Not sure of the manufacturer but it is a simple kit. I built it first as the World's Most Expensive Lowrider. However I grew tired of looking at it and decide it had to go. After reading GrandpaMcGruck country club hot rod I though that he may need some company and the next club golf tournament. Thanks for the inspiration GrandpaMcGruck!

    Here it is when it started



    Here it is now



    Comments welcome

  12. Thank you all fir the comments. This model was a first for me in a lot of areas. For example I had never cleared over BMF.

    Thanks again all for nice comments

    Awesome work B) ... what color is that?

    Champagne Gold Metallic plus clear

  13. Now that's cool. I used to hate these style cars but now I'm a huge fan.

    Thanks for the kind words. I was not a big fan either but it was a fun kit and a reason to build something for my new born baby girl. I would for sure build another model from this series.

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