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Posts posted by Modlbldr

  1. Randy,

    That chop and section looks great to me, with the exception of the windshield. It looks too small. Think about raising the top of the windshield to match the height of the top of the side windows. That's what I did to my Monogram 55 Ford pickup and it made a lot of difference. If you'd like to see a photo of it first, PM me and I'll show you. Great job though so far and that must have been quite a chore.


  2. That is one beautiful car! I love the way it sits. The perfect stance. I need to find one of these kits. More and more I'm liking the looks of the Asian car kits and this one REALLY helps. I'll be keeping an eye on this build.


  3. This is how the rear ride height looks due to the work to the rear suspension.


    Next up is a bunch of work to the front shocks and inner panels to make room for the wide front tires.

    I had to move the front shocks to the other side of their mounting point.


    Otherwise the front rim would hit them.


    That required me to tub the front inner panels, which I am in the process of now.



    I'm not sure that this will leave room for the spare tire now. I may need to make some sort of cargo to go in this space now....maybe a suitcase?

    Every little modification leads to something else.....

    Thanks for looking. Any comments or criticisms welcomed.


  4. Since Jantrix made me feel guilty about not updating our JWAC posts (Thanks, Someone needed to make me feel guilty to get me to move)I decided to get after it. I don't have alot of "Exciting" updates, but it's all forward progress.

    First of all, exciting for me....not so much for you guys, I got my window installed in my model room.


    All this managed to do was let in more light to let me see that, MAN, what a mess I have!

    On to the model: First, I finally cut some holes in the body for the side scoops. I think they are too big, but once I get the scoop area filled in, they may not be.


    Also, I have some repair work to do on the air intake on the roof. The body didn't fair well in the suitcase coming home from Taos, NM.

    I got a coat of primer and Light Ivory on the center sections of the seats and door panels. The two tone will be Light Ivory and Light Earth.


    The front seats are from a Fujimi Porsche 911 and I had to narrow the upper section of the rear seat to fit between the mini tubs. I may use the dash from the 911 also.

    Next up is a series of the engine shots. Nothing special here except P.E. pulley covers. I plan to make a custom exhaust similar to one I found on the interweb that will allow a stinger pipe.





    More to come.


  5. Mike-

    I was just on my way to update my VW post and I saw yours so I stopped in for a peak. It's looking fantastic! I love the color and it looks super smooth. I'm really digging the swamp cooler too. Nice job all around. Keep at it.


  6. Alright Jantrix-

    You shamed me into it. I've been getting lazy with my posts, but in all honesty, I don't feel as there is much "Eye Candy" progress in my build.

    I'll get a couple pix up in the next day or two. I've been working on the VW engine and starting the painting of the interior.

    Hey- It's progress, right??


  7. Wayne-

    Thanks for the advice. I'll try the Windex once I finally get to the point of painting. My main concerns are for down the road after I've painted anything. I don't want to find out after a month that the paint is having a bad delayed reaction to something I did wrong. I guess it might be best to find an RC board and ask around there. Thanks again.


  8. Looking good so far. If you were really ambitious you could always build a 4-link set up for it. There are a few examples on this site of ones who have done it. Shouldn't be too hard.

    BTW- Welcome to the site and congrats on quitting smoking. Now you'll have a little extra $$ for kits and plastic. Pick up some Evergreen or Plastistruct tube and rod and such at a Local Hobby Shop (LHS). It'll come in handy for building custom parts (such as that 4-link).


  9. Very cool.

    Admission time...I thought "Wow...that's a neat kit. I wonder why I never got one of those?"

    About 10 minutes later I realized I, um....have had one of those on the shelf for almost 10 years.

    OOps. Dang! I hate it when that happens.

    Your build is looking great so far.


  10. I've been watching Emodelcars for a while now and like others I've noticed that there isn't much action going on there. Don't know why, especially since it's free. I just posted about 20+ items on there in the last two days. I hope at least some sell. We'll see. As far as the worries about my info being on there, my thought is, if someone wants to steal my identity I pity them. LOL


  11. I just bought these two bottles at the LHS for $1 each with more on the shelf available.



    Anybody ever use it in their airbrush for models? What primer and/or sealer should I use?

    If I use it for a two tone paint job, what other paints are safe with it and what paints are not?

    Any info or further hints that I didn't think of would be appreciated. I was thinking of using the gold as a base for a clear color, such as a red or blue.


  12. I like it. Not your normal moonshine delivery vehicle but I bet it gets the liquor there quicker. Your photos are a little clearer than the ones on the orange Chevelle, but still not real clear. Keep working on it and you'll get there. I STILL have problems taking clear photos All of the time, so please don't think that I'm knocking you. It's just something the both of us can work on! Keep it up. Also, you might try a black wash on the grille and those sidepipes. It'll make them stand out with more detail. Thin some flat black paint with paint thinner to the consistency of water and brush it over the enter part of the grille and the heat guards on the sidepipes. Then let it dry. They'll look much more realistic. Hope this helps. PM me if you have any questions or need any parts.


  13. Sean-

    That's some interesting customizing there. Is the plan to make the rear side windows larger? Sort of like a door dip? Are you planning to have interior door pannels? How do you plan to fix the front of the chassis where you broke it?

    I like the interior so far. Keep it up.


  14. I came across about 70 Hudsons in a local hotel parking lot last night and snapped a few photos. Sure wish I could have gotten good photos and info on all of them but it was late evening and my wife and daughter were kind enough to wait for me for a little while (but only a little). The white 39 Terraplane was beautiful, and my favorite. One was a 38 Terraplane and the little red one on the trailer, IIRC, said Jet Liner on the front fender. The two tone green one that resembles a Checker Cab (at least to me) was a 57 and said that it was only 1 of 3 known remaining (out of 116 built) Hope you enjoy these.



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