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Posts posted by Modlbldr

  1. Terry-

    I'm not into the military stuff due to my religious beliefs, however, this is a very nicely done Jeep. Having built the Daisy Jeep years ago I appreciate the work you did on it to convert it. Looks very realistic.


  2. Welcome to the site!

    Looks like you'll be one to watch. I like the added trunk detail and the paint job. That is such a beautiful, subtle color. I did my 68 Firebird in the same color.68FirebirdWIP069.jpg


    Keep it up and I can't wait to see more.


  3. Jessie-

    First of all- Welcome to the site!!

    That is one sweet looking Torino. That is one of my favorite Fords although I have never built this kit. One day though.....

    Take the criticism and pointers as a helpful tool to improve. I'm not sure how long you've been building but I am still learning new things and applying the advice after 30 or so years of building. As a friend of mine once told me about his builds, "Each one has it's good points and goofs. But I'm happy with it." Keep up the good work. So, what's next?


  4. I have not done anything with this in quite a while due to being extremely busy with house remodeling and graduation party planning and MANY other things. However, today I am on my way to Lake Tahoe, NV to work for a week or so and I won't have ANY "Honey- Do's. I am taking this with me to work on in my limited "off time". So, Look for some progress photos in about a week.


  5. Good to see you back!! I like the work you've got going on this. I always wanted one of these kits but they were always out of my price range(in my pea brain) I'm kicking myself now cause I don't have much spare money. Yours is going to look Sweet!


  6. Nice score Tom. I like them both. I scored a 53 Ford Panel from a vendor last year but I'm not sure who it's from. It looks a lot like your 50. Did AAM do a 53? I paid $25 for mine and I thought it was well worth it. It s a very nice clean casting.

    Thanks for showing your two.


  7. Jeff-

    Looking good so far. Don't know why no one else has not replied to this. I like the idea of using the Thunderbolt engine and tranny. What about using the old "Cross Boss" intake from the 70 Mustang kit. I know that it came in a 1/24 scale kit, but did it also come in the Revell "Special Edition" 70 Mustang kit? Not sure. I also like your pedal set up. Was that a kit supplied part?

    Keep it up and let's see the updates.


  8. Hey Jairus-

    Good to hear from you. I understand about life getting in the way. I got laid off this week, spent a day putting new tile in my front entry way and spent the next evening helping a buddy put cheap "hardwood" flooring in his living room (Two days on my 41 year old knees on a hard floor)

    Keep at it and you'll get there. Heck, we have a year!


  9. The other night I got some time to begin on the body work. I only managed to get the trim removed and puttied in the door handle holes. I also sanded out the minimal mold lines.




    I have an F1 air intake from an old kit in my parts box. My idea is to panel in the rear window and create an extension of the base of the air intake that will lead to just above the tail which will create a channel leading into the engine bay.

    I also received a set of the Pegasus wheels from Jairus himself for this build. I tried to show a photo of them, but it wouldn't load.

    I looked at how to lower the suspension on the Bug and I believe that the front suspension can be lowered by simply mounting the front axle on a block. The rear will take a little more work, but shouldn't be difficult.

    Keep checking back and I'll try to keep making regular progress. Any comments, criticisms or suggestions welcomed.


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