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Posts posted by vizio93

  1. What's up Mike, I probably said this on the Workbench thread but that '32 is still looking awesome !!! Nice color on Phat Ardun too :D :D

  2. Appreciate it Derrick.

    Billy: The water heater idea might be great answer. Or even a cupboard under the stairs?

    Another thought I had was to build a lift top, wooden trash container box to house a AA battery at the end of the driveway, with a hollow styrene "hydro pole" beside it. Run the wires up to to the top of the pole and then across to the "meter" on the garage wall. I'm no electical wiz, and I don't know what power is needed to light those little lights (12v?). Maybe a AA battery isn't enough? The meter and fuse box ideas would just be dummies and the wires would run right through them.

    Maybe I need something like a 12v model railway transformer instead of a battery? With it's speed controller, I could probably dim the lights! I have a whole bunch of Model Railway electrical "stuff" stashed away in boxes, but finding a location for the transformer would be a problem.

    Virgil...... if you are reading this...... have you had any thoughts for your Lab-rat-ory yet?

    That sounds pretty cool too !!! I can't wait to see how you figure this out :lol:

  3. Ohh WAIT !!! I got another idea, how about make a water heater out of a "C" or "D" battery and there is your battery for you lights? A good place for the water heater could be under the stairs ? You could probably make a cover that looks like a water heater for the battery to sit in so when the battery goes dead just take the cover off and replace the battery. Ideas just keep popping into my head B):D

  4. Thanks for all the encouraging feedback!

    Vizio93: I hope you decide to do a garage dio. I would love to see more ("in progress") dios on this site.

    I have no idea right now, how to do the lights. I would like to have a couple of florescent tube lights ander the storage area and even some task lighting at some location where the workbench will go. And then maybe a few more lights hanging from the roof? Maybe a couple outside above the garage doors?

    Maybe I find use a remote location for the battery and the incoming "hydro line" can be run from there to a hydro meter on the front of the building somewhere, plus a fuse box inside, and then the interior wiring could be done like in real life? Trouble is, right now, I have no idea how to do all that, so a lot of research (and suggestions) will be needed......... I should also check out the doll house websites, I think?

    That would be pretty cool if you could have a working miniature fuse box like your talking about ! I bet it would be expensive to get it from a doll house site. Maybe you could just get an on/off switch from a cheap RC car or radio and some how configure it to look like what you want. Put it behind a small door and you would have a functioning fuse box. Just a couple of ideas to think about B):D

  5. Wow that looks great man !!! I was beginning to make a garage a little while back, but I haven't finished assembling it yet. This one has gave me some great idea's though !!! I can't wait to see how you get the lighting to work on this one. :)

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