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Posts posted by olarge1

  1. Thanks Ed,


    I was thinking the same thing WWII, but wanted to hand paint it I did a serch for nose art and came accross a Skull with Goggles and thought that was COOL! so gave it a try .. I like it have to let dry compleatly before I can rub it down to fade it out... thanks for the ideas


    thats the plan, we will see how it goes, thanks for the incouragement!


    ok its dry enough!


  2. Nice!!!! what an original Idea (that i might just have to steal)... I would suggest headers that dumps in to a large collector just is front of the door , make it follow the line on the bottom of the fire wall ...that would be killer!

  3. When I started this project I was going to do a suede Green paint job, but had thought? Olive drab Green with Army star all faded out on the doors?...i just don't know... Has any one used photo shop to try different paint schemes? i have seen it done on other 1:1 forums. I don't know how to use photo shop or i would give it try.

  4. Hey, thanks guys...

    I think the hardest part of a chop is not the chop it self but making every thing else fit?.. had to compleatly change the back seat area and re-work the wheel tub area.. came out ok .. i think a picknic basket in the back would look cool? just a thought..




  5. Welcome,

    All good advice above, I would add…be patient! Take your time, and when it comes to glue less is more. I suggest getting some tooth picks to apply the glue to the parts. Read all the instructions and familiarize you self with all the parts and build in sub assemblies. Engine, Chassis, interior, then finial assembly and test fit all the parts before adding glue.

    As for detailing, I would get a few box stock builds under my belt then think about adding the extras; anything that you want to be good at it takes practice. With practice, time and patience you will be building models you will be proud of in no time.

    There are a lot of good tips and tricks here in the forum and a lot of good modelers more than happy to help you feel free to ask questions.

    Good luck!

  6. Looks great David! where in Charlotte are you located? I'm looking for some fellow modelers to hang out with. I live off of Pineville/Mathews rd. not too far Rea rd. and 485


    Hi Gary, I not far from you, @ the other end of the 485 in Steele Creek on 160..have you been able to find any good hobby shops? the only one I know of is Hobby Stop in Rock Hill and they also have a build club I think they met on Thursdays night?

  7. what did you used for the tires the white part, how did you paint it?

    The tires are from revells 29 ford pick up Good guys they are a 2 peice rubber and hard plastic insert.. i just left them white plastic (should have shot a coat of dull coat on em)

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